Posted: November 28, 2018

The Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories is pleased to announce an EESL Green Student Seed Grant competition for Spring 2019. The goal of this competition is to support the research of Penn State students who are interested in conducting analyses in any of the EESL multi-user research facilities.

Graduate and undergraduate students interested in participating must prepare and submit a 1-page proposal that includes:

  • Project title
  • The main scientific research question(s) to be addressed by the funded research.
  • Detailed descriptions of the analyses needed to address the research question posed. The description must include the type of samples, number of samples, analytical services required, and an estimated cost for the analyses. Students are required to work with the EESL laboratory of interest to develop the cost estimate (contact information can be found online here).
  • Explanation of the significance of the data to be collected under this proposed project as well as plans for follow-on external proposals that this data will support.
  • Advisor name, department, and college affiliation. Advisors will be asked to submit a short note endorsing the proposal as a part of the application process. All University Park and Commonwealth campus students are eligible.
  • If awarded, each student will be required to prepare and submit a short report explaining how the data benefited their research. Reports must be submitted no later than August 15, 2019.

Each award will be a maximum of $2,500. Funding will cover the cost of EESL analyses only. Please note that all students are eligible to participate in this competition. Proposals must be submitted to no later than midnight January 15, 2019. Advisor endorsement must be submitted no later than noon January 18, 2019. Funding must be used by June 15, 2019.