Posted: March 7, 2024
Application now open for a $500 minimum scholarship with a June 30, 2024 deadline to apply.
Attention students in horticulture, landscape architecture or related fields. The Carrie T. Watson Garden Club awards scholarships to students from northwestern Pennsylvania and the surrounding area. Most often these awards are made to students majoring in horticulture or landscape architecture, however any field of study that supports the mission of the club is eligible.
The club's mission is to promote greater knowledge of gardening, horticulture, conservation, and environmental issues.
In addition, the club makes awards to individuals employed in the botanical, floral, or landscape industries who seek advanced non-degree study in their profession.
You may find the application form and more information here.
In addition to completing the application, the candidate should include a brief description of his or her current and future plans relating to education and career.
Deadline to apply is June 30, 2024.