Posted: November 11, 2020
Congratulations Anna-Marie Wise on being selected Ag Student of the Month for November 2020! Ag Student of the Month is a prestigious award given out by the College of Ag Student Council to a student that demonstrates actions that benefit their club and the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Ms. Wise is an outstanding student majoring in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences at University Park. Her activities demonstrate the values of an exemplary College of Ag Sciences student effectively discovering and translating relevant research and science to solve real-world problems. Ms. Wise strives to educate the public on the importance of agriculture. Through the Penn State Fly Fishing Club she has learned about the importance of conservation and the delicateness of our beautiful local waterways. Also, through the club she was able to volunteer and help educate the Women Anglers of the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited about our local streams and their insect hatches.
Ms. Wise also represents the engaging research side of Penn State Agricultural Sciences. In the fall 2019 semester she helped perform research on anti-microbial resistance in dairy calves courtesy of Dr. Springer. Through that opportunity, Ms. Wise was able to oversee their health status, clean, feed, and be aware of bio-safety. Currently Ms. Wise is working on another research opportunity via the Veterinarian Entomology Lab run by Dr. Machtinger. There she is researching the tick burdens on White Footed Mice, collect data off the mice and drag for ticks as well. Not to mention the various other research projects there she has also worked on as well. For example, working in the Millennium Science Complex building and preforming protein digests on mites that cause mange on black bears, grey and red foxes in order to determine their genetic makeup.
Finally, with Pre-Vet club Ms. Wise has taken advantage of numerous opportunities to go to Nittany Greyhounds shelter to volunteer to clean, feed, walk and interact with the dogs. Through all of these experiences Ms. Wise has represents the Penn State College of Ag Sciences ideals of education, volunteerism, and compassion. Congratulations Ms. Wise!