Penn State Extension faculty and staff work to get the message out about the importance of protecting our precious water.

Researchers in the college probe wastewater for clues about human and ecosystem health.

Researchers in the college create and test high-tech instruments to advance "precision irrigation."

In her new job as watershed project coordinator in the college, Kathryn Bartling hopes to leverage the power of partnerships to create real change.

Team develops algorithms to predict yields under various scenarios.

Study examines connection between availability of healthy food options and health.
Study explores link between earthquakes, rainfall, and food insecurity in Nepal.

Antioxidant-rich specialty corn reduces necrotic enteritis.

Warming climate worsens nutrient pollution but lengthens growing season.

More intense roasting of cocoa beans lessens bitterness, boosts chocolate liking.
Horn fly resistance observed in Holstein cattle.

A novel lighting system helps agricultural robots "see" clearly.

New tool predicts changes that may make COVID variants more infectious.

What to plant to attract pollinators, according to research.

Some wildlife may adapt to climate change.

Red-backed salamanders may shift northward in response to climate change.

Research suggests foliar fungicides help increase soybean yield in some regions.
Researchers find bears may contribute to tick spread.

Alumna Faith Kibuye is committed to improving lives through improving water.

Kelly Praskovich, new associate director of alumni relations in Ag Sciences

The Armsby Honor Society, named in recognition of the college's first dean, Henry P. Armsby, honors alumni and friends who have demonstrated a profound commitment to the College of Agricultural Sciences through their service, scholarship, teaching, and philanthropy.

Center for Private Forests renamed to honor Jim Finley

Addressing Wicked Environmental Problems through Engaging Stakeholders

Summer rain brings a welcome break to the dry summer at Penn State's Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center, along state Route 45 at Rock Springs.

Breaking the Silence on Farm Stress
Farming has always been a demanding profession, but today's farmers face unprecedented pressures that can severely impact their mental health.
Biting Back
Research Targets Vector-Borne Diseases to Save Lives
Leading Forward
Ott brings deep connection to role of dean.