A comprehensive collaboration for a sustainable intensification platform of Columbian Agriculture. Subgroup: Digital Agriculture

Executive Summary/Description

Proposed Colciencias Ecosistema Cientifico project to improve soy and corn production as inputs to production and to identify potential markets and services associated with agriculture production in Altillanura Plana, highlighting appropriate business models based on productive chains strategies.

LGU Team Participants

Purdue University (team lead)

Jeff Stuart
Professor of Entomology; Executive Director, Colombia Purdue Institute

Cornell University

Miguel Gomez
Associate Professor, Dyson School of Applied Economics

Michigan State University

Laurie Medina
Director, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Washington State University

Melba Salazar
Assistant Research Professor, Biological Systems Engineering Department and AgWeatherNet

Colombian Partners



Proposal to Colciencias - Colombia Científica Ecosistema Científico

Project Funding
