Areas of Expertise
Our universities represent an extensive pool of talent, capacity and experience in all areas of knowledge. The Colombia Consortium has prioritized the following areas based on our leading work in agricultural research, agricultural education and extension.
Agriculture research, education & extension
The application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer and rural education programs.
Biodiversity and conservation
The conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems as a vital aspect of rural life and sustainable agricultural development.
Community development and value chain enhancement
Improving the value chain has a positive effect on the welfare of agricultural producers and their communities.
Cultivation and productivity of high value crops
High value crops help rural communities derive additional income and increase financial opportunities.
Extension policy
Agricultural extension is an important public policy instrument to increase agricultural production, achieve food security, build capacity and help alleviate rural poverty.
Food security and food safety
Guaranteeing a food supply that is adequate for human sustenance and free of health risks is a fundamental goal of agricultural and farming practices.
Information communication technology
The use of ICTs in agriculture focuses on the enhancement of agricultural & rural development through improved information & communication processes.
Labor and gender
Sustainable rural and agricultural development requires the full enfranchisement of women in labor practices, agricultural production, income generation and land rights.
Natural resources and water management
Access to water for agriculture and food production and effective water management practices are vital to improving rural livelihoods.
Opportunities for Collaboration
The Consortium members work together to collaborate with a broad range of Colombian institutions at the national and regional level - government entities, universities, training and workforce development organizations, research centers, private companies, business associations and chambers of commerce, community organizations, foundations and NGO's. Opportunities for engagement include:
Research Collaborations
Engage in collaborative research projects with Colombian partners that respond to local needs and problems.
Teaching Support
Support joint teaching activities and agricultural curriculum development.
Capacity Building
Build capacity in higher education institutions to meet educational needs at multiple levels.
Technical Assistance
Provide technical assistance to Colombian agriculture stakeholders.
Rural Education and Extension
Develop rural education and extension programs for rural leaders, young farmers and women that will contribute to the professionalization and strengthening of their organizations and business initiatives.
Technology Transfer
Facilitate technology transfer and rural advisory services.
Exchange Programs
Implement exchange programs for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and researchers between the LGUs and Colombian universities and research centers.
Partnership Development
Foster collaborations with the Consortium and between Consortium members and Colombian counterparts.