The Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences operates in a total of 312 buildings on University Park campus. Information including descriptions and map links is provided for some of the more prominent buildings, research facilities, and service laboratories on campus.
Campus Buildings
Ag Administration Building
Built in 1972 with 5 floors and 38,046 sq ft, Ag Admin Building houses College of Agricultural Sciences Units such as the Dean's Office, Facilities and Safety, Human Resources, Finance and Business Operations, etc.
Ag Arena
Built in 1985, the Penn State Snider Agricultural Arena complex accommodates exhibitions, shows, meetings, and other large gatherings.
Ag Engineering Building
Built in 1940 with 3 floors and 44,581 sq ft, Ag Engineering Building houses the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Department. Ag Engineering underwent a renovation and addition in 2018.
Animal, Veterinary, and Biomedical Sciences Building
Constructed on the site of the former Henning Building and finished in 2021, this 105,000 sq ft. state-of-the-art facility houses research labs, instructional spaces and offices for the Animal Science and Veterinary Biomedical Science department. The basement contains a vivarium utilized by the Animal Resource Program .
Armsby Building
Built in 1905 with 4 floors and 25,824 sq ft, Armsby Building houses the Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education Department.
Armsby Calorimeter
The Armsby Calorimeter at Penn State was completed in 1902 and was used to perform experiments on the energy metabolism of cattle. In 1969 the calorimeter was converted to a museum, and in 1979 was named to the National Register of Historic Places.
ASI Building
Built in 1990 with 6 floors and 88,658 sq ft, the Agricultural Science and Industries Building houses Animal Science, Ecosystem Science and Management, Entomology, Plant Science, and Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Departments.
Buckhout Lab
Built in 1930 with 5 floors and 34,534 sq ft, Buckhout Lab houses Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Department.
Central Milk Testing Center
Built in 1970 with 1 floor and 5,196 sq ft, CMTL houses Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences.
Chemical Ecology Lab and Greenhouses
The Chemical Ecology Lab is located on Orchard Road near the main campus. Four faculty members have offices and labs at this location along with several postdocs and graduate students. A new greenhouse facility was recently added to the lab, providing space for research projects in a high-tech, state-of-the-art greenhouse environment. Additional greenhouse facilities and the Gypsy Moth Research Center are also located in this area.
The Penn State Berkey Creamery's mission is to support the teaching, research and outreach programs of the Department of Food Science, to provide quality dairy products to students in on-campus housing, and to maintain an economically viable retail outlet for dairy products to the University community.
Entomology Museum
The Frost Entomological Museum collections currently represent regional insect biodiversity in the eastern United States. The research collection comprises more than 2,000,000 specimens of insects representing at least 15,000 species.
Ferguson Building
Built in 1939 with 3 floors and 17,035 sq ft, Ferguson houses the Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education Department.
Food Science Building
Built in 2006 with 6 floors and 76,958 sq ft, the Erickson Food Science Building houses the Food Science Department as well as the Penn State Berkey Creamery
Forest Resources Building
Built in 2006 with 7 floors and 49,484 sq ft, the Forest Resources Building houses the Ecosystem Science and Management Department.
Forest Resources Lab
Built in 1965 with 4 floors and 23,546 sq ft, the Forest Resources Lab houses the Ecosystem Science and Management Department as well as the Pennsylvania Chapter of The American Chestnut Foundation.
Headhouses I and II
Built in 1961 and 1951 respectively, Headhouses I and II houses offices, classrooms, and teaching laboratories for the adjacent greenhouses.
Headhouse III
Built in 1961, Headhouse III primarily houses the Entomology Department as well as the Frost Entomology Museum.
Henning Building
Built in 1968 with 6 floors and 37,596 sq ft, Henning Building housed the Departments of Animal Science and Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences. The building was demolished in 2019 to make way for a new 105,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility.
Research Unit A
Built in 1959 with 13,163 sq ft, Research Unit A is being utilized as "swing space" during the AVBS Building construction. It houses offices and lab space for the Veterinary Science department.
Research Unit A Modular
Built in 2012 with 17,114 sq ft, Research Unit A Modular is also being utilized as "swing space" during the AVBS Building construction. It houses shared lab spaces for both the Veterinary Science and Animal Science departments.
Tyson Building
Built in 1949 with 5 floors and 28,573 sq ft, Tyson houses the Plant Science Department.
Research Facilities
The College supports agricultural research and extension facilities. These facilities provide research, extension, and/or teaching opportunities in agriculture.
Beef-Sheep Center
The Penn State Beef and Sheep Center is located on Orchard Road. The Center maintains an average of 75 Angus brood cows and their calves in addition to the herd sires and market cattle. Another 75 commercial Angus/Simmental cows are maintained at the Haller Farm location.
Dairy Barns
The Dairy Barns are located off of Park Avenue, directly across from Beaver Stadium. Approximately 500 animals are housed at the dairy facilities.
Deer Research Center
The Penn State Deer Research Center is located in a 22 acre fenced enclosure northeast of campus off of Big Hollow Road, and provides research and educational opportunities for students and faculty.
Forestland Management Office
The Penn State Forestland Management Office's forest management is guided by the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management's mission, the forests' biological conditions and more specifically the need for teaching, research, and demonstration opportunities.
The College of Agricultural Sciences greenhouses and plant growth facilities are conveniently located adjacent to Tyson and Agricultural Sciences and Industries buildings on the Penn State campus, with a smaller satellite unit on University Drive.
Horse Barns
Penn State's Equine Facilities include two horse barns with approximately 35 stalls, an indoor arena, a round pen, and paddocks and pastures.
Landscape Management and Research Center (LMRC)
Nearly 12 acres of plot land, mostly irrigated, have been established with various turfgrasses and landscape plantings.
Mushroom Research Center (MRC)
The Mushroom Research Center provides unique facilities for conducting mushroom research.
Poultry Education and Research Center
The $6 million Poultry Education and Research Center consists of six separate buildings occupying about 50,000 square feet.
Swine Center
The Penn State Swine Center, with a herd of 65 sows, has about 500 animals available to contribute to teaching and research at Penn State.
Valentine Turfgrass Research Center
The Center serves as the principle facility for turfgrass field research.
Service Laboratories
The facilities below provide research services to the College, the University, and the public.
Agricultural Analytical Services Lab
The Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory provides a wide range of testing programs for soils, water, plants, biosolids and other agricultural materials.
Animal Diagnostic Lab
The Animal Diagnostic Laboratory is a full-service animal health diagnostic laboratory and research center.
Food Science Pilot Plants
The state-of-the-art Food Science Pilot Plants are designed for processing flexibility with an emphasis on product specialization. The facilities are used for teaching, research and industry projects.
Land Analysis Laboratory
A research, cooperative extension, and teaching facility specializing in the use of GIS and related advanced information system technologies for environmental assessment, agriculture, and land management and planning.
Meat Lab
The 16,000 sq ft Meat Lab is equipped for conducting livestock slaughter and meat cutting and processing in support of meats teaching, research and extension.
Mushroom Spawn Laboratory
The Mushroom Spawn Laboratory contains a culture collection of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus and researches the cultivated mushroom and problems related to its culture.
Sensory Evaluation Center
The Sensory Evaluation Center in the Penn State Department of Food Science has been conducting sensory evaluation and consumer tests for University researchers and food industries since 1972.
Emergency Contacts
- Emergency (Police-Fire-Ambulance): 911
- University Police: 814-863-1111
- University Health Services: 814-865-6556
- Environmental Health and Safety: 814-865-6391
- Physical Plant Work Reception Center: 814-865-4731
Emergency Contacts
- Emergency (Police-Fire-Ambulance): 911
- University Police: 814-863-1111
- University Health Services: 814-865-6556
- Environmental Health and Safety: 814-865-6391
- Physical Plant Work Reception Center: 814-865-4731