Photo Gallery
View some of the exhibits and events from previous years at Ag Progress Days!

Baby chicks are often a part of our poultry display.

Tractor engine on display.

Kids enjoying the equine demonstrations.

Young and old alike enjoy the equipment demonstrations in the field.

Tractor roll-overs are part of our safety demonstrations.

Wood cutting demonstration

Field cutting demonstration

Field demos take place each day at APD.

Find out how much water is wasted due to a leaking faucet, one of many educational displays at APD.

Kid's enjoy looking at the equipment just as much as the adults!

Equine demonstration in the Main Horse Arena.

The Equine Experience at APD is presented by Penn State's Equine Science program.

A view of the show grounds.

An aerial view of APD show grounds.

Demonstrating a beef cattle chute.

Tractor overturn demonstration

What's on your hands?

The 4-H Youth Building has many fun and educational activities for families.

Rest areas are located conveniently beside several food venders.

Around the show grounds, various nonprofit organizations sell and assortment of food items each year at APD.

You won't go hungry or thirsty at APD!

Many of our food venders serve up both breakfast and lunch every day.

Shaver's Creek Environmental Center brings birds of prey and other animals to the show.

Baby chicks hatch at the show.

More chicks!

Kids get to handle chicks at the show.

Kids can pet the chicks too!

Field demos allow potential customers see the equipment up close and get their questions answered.

Snakes from Shaver's Creek Environmental Center entertains the crowd.

Adults and kids alike enjoy environmental programs at APD.

Plenty of convenient parking is available at APD.

Equine demonstrations take place throughout each day of the show.

Equipment demonstrations brings dealers and potential customers together.

Bee Tree Trail Percherons

Penn State Cooperative Extension Agents are on hand to answer growers questions.

Field demos allow side by side comparisons of equipment.

Find out more about research taking place at Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences.

Get your growing questions answered by Penn State Cooperative Extension specialists.

Kids supply the power in Pedal Go Kart Derby!

We have creepy crawlies too!

Baby chicks are often a part of our poultry display.

Plenty of fun activities for kids at APD.

A busy afternoon at APD.

Acres of equipment on display at APD.

Self-propelled sprayer on display.

Learn about all aspects of agriculture at APD, from the field to the table!

One of many unique and educational displays at APD!

Penn State Entomologists are on hand to answer your pest questions.

There are many learning experiences for both young and old at APD.

Questions about dairy and livestock are answered too!

Learn about llamas, alpacas and other alternative livestock at APD.

A horse-drawn hay press.

Kids learn how to milk a cow at APD!

Six shank subsoiler demonstration.

Checking out a six shank subsoiler up close.

PA State Police Mounted Patrol demonstration.

Calf roping!

Lots of fun activities for kids at APD!

APD offers many hands-on learning activities for both kids and adults.

Learning about the foods we eat from Penn State Cooperative Extension.

Cooking demonstrations take place each day in the Family Room Building.

Discussions and hands-on natural history exhibits give you a close look at native Pennsylvania wildlife species.

Horse-training demonstrations take place each day at APD.

Corn Header at Ag Progress Days 2023 --Photo credit to Tom Collins

A big welcome to Ag Progress Days 2023 -- Photo credit to Tom Collins

John Deere 8RX on display at Ag Progress Days -- Photo credit to Tom Collins

WE ARE.. Penn State College of Agriculture Nittany Lion Display at Ag Progress Days 2023 -- Photo credit to Tom Collins
2025 Event Information
August 12, Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
August 13, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 14, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center
2710 W. Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865
Social Media
2025 Event Information
August 12, Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
August 13, Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
August 14, Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center
2710 W. Pine Grove Road
Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865