Adams County Poultry Association Inc. Scholarship

Albert E. Madigan Award

Anna K. Eaton Scholarship

August E. Branding Memorial Award

Betty Parks Strutin Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science in memory of Lieutenant David P. Parks

Charles W. Cameron Scholarship in Agriculture

Charles and Jane Brosius Annual Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Clemens Family Corporation Award

Clyde S. Robison Memorial Scholarship

COBA / Select Sires Inc. Scholarship

D. Bruce Stauffer Scholarship for Dairy & Animal Science Students in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Dairy Farmers of America Scholarship

Daniel R. and Rosemary E. Hagen Scholarship in Animal Science in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Donald and Lelia Ace Trustee Scholarship

Dr. Christopher Raines Memorial Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Dr. David C. Kradel Memorial Award

Dr. J. Clyde and Ruth A. Johnson Award

Dr. John E. Baylor Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council Scholarship

Dr. Marion P. Cullen International Travel Endowment in Animal Science

Dr. William L. Henning, Sr. Family Scholarship

Dwight E. and Frances E. Younkin Memorial Scholarship Fund

Eastern Meat Packers Association Scholarship

Edgar E. and Dorothy W. Fehnel Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science

Edgar and Roberta Seely Scholarship in Animal Science

Edwin M. Wagner Memorial Scholarship

Erin Mullin Turner and Megan Mae Turner Scholarship

Eugene and Carol Schurman 4-H Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Eugene and Carol Schurman Trustee Scholarship

Farmshine Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science

Flinchbaugh Family Trustee Scholarship - Clair, Hilda, Barry, Jeffery and Jennifer Flinchbaugh

Frederick H. "Fritz" Leuschner Memorial Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

George and Annaliese Williams Animal Science Scholarship

George and Helen Deer Annual Award

George and Tina K. Georges Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Gerald H. Hess Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science

Gilbert S. Watts Memorial Award

Glenn O. Bressler Memorial Award

H. Duane Norman and Roslyn W. Norman Scholarship in Animal Sciences

H. Duane and Roslyn W. Norman Trustee Scholarship

H. Fred Troutt Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Harold "Doc" Harpster Award

Henry L. and Dona A. Bergfeld Trustee Scholarship

Herbert S. Siegel Graduate Student Fund

Herman R. Purdy Award Fund

J. and J. Darlington Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

J. Lloyd Ebersole Dairy Cattle Judging Team Award

James L. Adams Annual Scholarship in Poultry Science

Jay Irwin/PennAg Poultry Council Scholarship

Joe S. Taylor Memorial Scholarship Fund

John H. Schwartz Memorial Scholarship

John R. and Phebe W. Terrell Award in Animal Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences

John T. and Paige S. Smith Scholarship for Animal Science in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Kelsey Benn Memorial Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Larry E. Hilgendorf and J. Edgar Hilgendorf Trustee Scholarship

Laura Loder Watts Scholarship in Animal Science

Lawrence D. and Delores A. Muller Scholarship in Dairy Science

Lawrence and Elizabeth Specht Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science

Leidy Family Scholarship

Mark Heilman Campbell Scholarship in Dairy Production

Mark W. Beere Scholarship in the Department of Animal Science

Mary Ellen and Glenn R. Kean Memorial Scholarship

Max St. Clair Amoss, Jr. Scholarship

McAllister Family Trustee Scholarship

Merrill P. and Adeline B. Tait Memorial Scholarship

Natalie A. and Jarrod S. Angstadt Award in Equine Science Excellence

Norman and Donna Brown Mountain View Arabians Scholarship

Obie and Mary Ann Snider Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science

PA Pork Producers Council Founders Trustee Scholarship

Penn State Block and Bridle Club Fund

Penn State Dairymen's Club Award for Freshmen Students

Penn State Dairymen's Club Dairy Cattle Judging Team Fund

PennAg Poultry Council Scholarship in Poultry Science

Pennsylvania Poultry Industry Alliance Scholarship

Ray H. Dutt Scholarship

Raymond E. and Frances B. Sperry Scholarship

Richard E. and Peggy K. Denison Scholarship in Dairy and Animal Science

Richard H. Ross Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Seidel Family Scholarship

Stanford Memorial Scholarship

The Arthur C. Bigelow Memorial Scholarship

The Craola Scholarships

The J. Lin Huber Scholarship

The Penn State Stockmen's Club Memorial Award for Freshmen Students

Therese A. Vrooman Memorial Equine Endowment

Thomas A. Smith Scholarship Fund

Tim and Amy Baughman Oravec Memorial Award

Tioga Valley Saddle Club Scholarship

Vernon E. Hazlett Memorial Scholarship

W. Durbin Donahue, V.M.D and Nancy J. Donahue Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Walter S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship

William D. and Teresa L. Robinson Trustee Scholarship

William and Edward Powers Poultry Science Grant Fund

York Ag Products, W. Dale Anderson Memorial Trustee Scholarship