Aaronsburg Story, Inc., Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Ag Student Council Leadership Award

Alan Nutt Memorial Award

Alec and Lexi Beliasov Scholarship in Agriculture

Alec and Lexi Beliasov Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Allen L. Baker and Richard H. Baker Memorial 4-H Scholarship

Alpha Zeta Lindley and Dorothy Dennis Memorial Award

Andrea A. Leonard Student Award

Andrews Family Scholarship

Angstadt Family Agricultural Excellence Scholarship

Anna M. Griswold Open Doors Scholarship

Arthur W. and Caroline O. Hartman Trustee Scholarship Endowment for the College of Agricultural Sciences

Baker Students for Cultivating Change Award

Barbara Howell Raphael Trustee Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Barbara U. and Daniel J. Eichenlaub Trustee Scholarship

Barry L. and Rosemary Zoumas Trustee Scholarship

Bicksler Scholarship

Boyd E. Wolff GOTCHA Fund in International Agriculture

Bruce and Alice Jean Edwards Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Bryce Jordan Student Leadership Award

Burl H. Burleigh Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

C. Channa and Usharani C. Reddy Trustee Scholarship

C. Channa and Usharani Reddy Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

C. Randolf Kahler Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Camille DeClementi Trustee Scholarship

Carol and Eugene Schurman 4-H Annual Scholarship

Carol and John Graham First-Year Scholarship Endowment

Charles B. and Miriam M. Forney Family Trustee Scholarship

Charles H. Strauss Trustee Scholarship

Charles N. and Shirley G. Rightmire Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Clarence and Michaline Shallcross Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Clyde S. Robison Memorial Scholarship

College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Scholarship Fund

College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society First-Year Scholarship

College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society Internship Award

College of Agricultural Sciences Alumni Society Trustee Scholarship

College of Agricultural Sciences Memorial Scholarship

Dale T. Landis and Barbara Forrester Landis Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Daniel R. and Rosemary E. Hagen Scholarship in Animal Science in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Darwin G. Braund, Ph.D. Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Dennis and Janet Scanlon Trustee Scholarship

Diane C. Blanton Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Diane Cressman Blanton Scholarship

Diane Malcolm and Michael E. Katzaman Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Donald Evans Memorial Delta Theta Sigma Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Donald L. and Betty J. Mincemoyer Scholarship in the College of Agriculture

Donald L. and Marjorie Resta Young Open Doors Scholarship

Donald R. Saylor Memorial Scholarship

Donald and Lelia Ace Trustee Scholarship

Donley and Nellis Families Open Doors Scholarship

Dowler Family Scholarship

Dr. Cyril B. Smith and G. Marion Smith Memorial Scholarship

Dr. David A. Morrow III Alpha Zeta Scholarship

Dr. Herbert E. Longenecker Trustee Matching Scholarship

Dr. James R. Watson, Jr. Memorial Turfgrass Award

Dr. John S. and Gloria J. Shenk Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Norman Altman Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Dr. Terry Etherton and Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Dr. William L. Henning, Sr. Family Scholarship

E. Chester Heim Scholarship Program

Earl and Kay Harbaugh Endowment for International Programs in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Earl and Kay Harbaugh Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Earl K. and Kay L. Harbaugh Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Eckel Family Trustee Scholarship

Edward R. Hintz (1915) Memorial Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Edward W. Blosinski Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Eisenhower Memorial Award

Emmett C. Dawson, Jr. Memorial Award in Agricultural Sciences

Eric, Albert, and Kathleen Wachsmuth Open Doors Scholarship

Erskine and Wilhelmina Cash and Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Ethan J. "Beef" Wolfe Memorial Trustee Scholarship

Eugene and Carol Schurman 4-H Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Eugene and Carol Schurman Trustee Scholarship

Eva B. and G. Weidman Groff Memorial Scholarship Fund

Fern and Nora Kauffman and Ruth and Lee Mincemoyer Trustee Scholarship

Ferrara Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences (LEP)

Flinchbaugh Family Trustee Scholarship - Clair, Hilda, Barry, Jeffery and Jennifer Flinchbaugh

Firth Family Trustee Scholarship

Frank A. and Leona R. Taucher Scholarship

Galen Dreibelbis Endowment for Excellence in Agriculture

Galen and Beth Clay Scholarship

George and Tina K. Georges Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

George L. Settlemyer Fund for International Experiences

George R. and Ann E. Kemp Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

George V. Woodrow Scholarship

George W. Sherlock Trustee Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Gerald and Leoda Gummo Excellence Fund in Agriculture

Gertrude B. Paschall Memorial Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

GO! The Global Opportunity Award

Guldin Speaking Contest

H. Duane and Roslyn W. Norman Millennium Scholars Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

H. Duane Norman and Roslyn W. Norman Scholarship in Animal Sciences

H. Duane and Roslyn W. Norman Trustee Scholarship

H. Mark Saunders and Lynn M. Walker Trustee Scholarship

Hagen Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Hal F. Doran Scholarship

Harbaugh Family Trustee Scholarship

Harold H. "Sandy" Wolfinger Trustee Scholarship

Harold J. Carson Memorial Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Harriett Searle Watts Memorial Scholarship

Harry R. and Kathleen E. Ulrich Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Harry and Kathleen Ulrich Scholarship - Pennsylvania Master Farmers Association

Heiser Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Henry F. Pierce, II Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Henry L. and Dona A. Bergfeld Trustee Scholarship

Herbert E. Longenecker Student Research Endowment

Hoffman DeGrandi Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Homer V. Gifford Scholarship

Hoover Family Trustee Scholarship

Horace T. Woodward Scholarship in the College of Agriculture

Howard L. and Elaine H. Steele Award for Agriculture Adventures

Hugh F. Gerhard Scholarship in Agriculture

J. & J. Darlington Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

J. Clair Graybill Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

J. Lloyd Ebersole Dairy Cattle Judging Team Award

Jack H. Dreibelbis and Miriam Keim Dreibelbis Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

James and Pamela Reese Arbuckle Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

James and Pamela Reese Arbuckle Scholarship in International Agriculture

James F. and Molly W. Brady Scholarship

James H. and Sharon Mortensen Trustee Scholarship

James L. and Dolores J. Pierson Trustee Scholarship in The College of Agricultural Sciences

Janet vL. and Thomas C. Doyle Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Jay V. and Joyce H. Rush Family Trustee Scholarship

Jeffrey A. Conrad Open Doors Scholarship

Jerry D. and Alice A. Frantz Agricultural Excellence Endowment Scholarship (LEP)

Joan L. and Malcolm H. Stehman Trustee Scholarship

John and Beverly Bernardi Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

John and Carol Graham Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

John and Marlene Milsom and Family Open Doors Scholarship

John Danhouse Martz, Jr. Scholarship

John H. and Timothy R. Crouch Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

John M. and Mary M. Byerly Scholarship in Agriculture

John N. Adam, Jr. Scholarship for Excellence in Agriculture

John R. Potter Scholarship in Agriculture

John T. and Janet T. Richards Endowed Scholarship at Penn State

John T. and Janet Zerbe Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

John T. and Paige S. Smith Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Joseph Alan Middleton and Eleanor Middleton Bouse Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Joyce and Ernest Miller Scholarship - Master Farmers Association

Kane Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Keith Horn, Inc. Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Kelly Shane Quinn Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Kim L. Masser Memorial Scholarship for the College of Agricultural Sciences

Kim L. Masser Memorial Trustee Matching Scholarship

Kurvin W. and Eva S. Lauer College of Agricultural Sciences Student Grants Fund

L. Earl and Veronica Casida Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Lamartine F. and Emeline H. Hood Scholarship for Adult Learners

Lane-Cole Family Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Larry and Lisa Campbell Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Larry E. Hilgendorf and J. Edgar Hilgendorf Trustee Scholarship

Lawrence S. Brown Undergraduate Student Scholarship Endowment in the College of Agricultural Sciences

LeRoy C. Smeltz Memorial Trustee Scholarship

Leslie N. Firth Scholarship in Agriculture

Lester Earl and Veronica Casida Scholarship for the College of Agricultural Sciences

Lillian Louise Repsher Memorial Award

Loughner Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Lowell T. and Lois B. Underhill Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Lucille Terrell MANRRS Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Lyle A. Williams Memorial Trustee Scholarship

Lyn M. VanTassel Undergraduate Student Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

M. Forest Randolph and William F. Randolph Trustee Scholarship

Marilyn McPheron Scholarship for International Experiences for Undergraduates in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Mario W. D'Alessio Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Mark W. Beere Scholarship in the Department of Animal Science

Martenas Family Trustee Scholarship

Mason C. Gilpin Scholarship - Pennsylvania Master Farmers Association

Matt and Virginia Haist Endowed Scholarship in Honor of the Master Farmers of Pennsylvania

McAllister Family Trustee Scholarship

Mid-Atlantic Alliance of Cooperatives Scholarship

Mincemoyer Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Minor Family Scholarship

Morrell Smith Scholarship Fund

Mountain Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Myron A. and Anita E. Pinkus Charitable Foundation Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

N. C. Harris Scholarship Fund

Nancy Evans Millennium Scholars Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Nancy R. and Thomas B. Higgins Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Nelson S. and Brenda W. Loftus Ag Advocate Leadership Award

Norman and Donna Brown Mountain View Arabians Scholarship

Norman F. and Elsie Reber Scholarship - Pennsylvania Master Farmers Association

Oscar A. Kimmel Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund

Oswald Scholarship

PA Master Farmers Trustee Matching Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

PA Pork Producers Council Founders Trustee Scholarship

PA Agronomic Education Society Trustee Scholarship

Pass-It-On-Fund in Agricultural Sciences

Paul F. Heffner Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Paul R. and Ethel S. Guldin Agricultural Scholarship and Award Fund

Penn State Alumni Association Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Penn State Sigma Alpha Alumni Association Award

Pennsylvania Floral Industry Association's Charles H. Dillon Memorial Trustee Scholarship

Pennsylvania Master Farmers Association Scholarships

Philip Ray and B. Joyce Cook Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Poorbaugh Family Award in Agricultural Sciences

Pruss Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Ray Finegan Agricultural Leadership Endowment

Ray and Kathryn Treichler Memorial Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Raymond F. Russell Memorial Scholarship

Reddy Family Trustee Scholarship

Richard and Barbara Grubb Agricultural Excellence Award

Richard and Donna Clemens Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Richard and Ruth Cybulski Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Richard C. Hann and Elise F. Hann Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Richard Craig Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Richard H. Ross Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Rick Roush and Robyn Krause-Hale Open Doors Scholarship

Robert and Elizabeth Hodge College of Agricultural Sciences Honors Scholarship

Robert and Elizabeth Hodge Undergraduate Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Robert E. Hayes and Mary Brueilly Hayes Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Robert E. Macafee Memorial Trustee Scholarship

Robert and Helen Wigton and Anne Wigton Wagner Memorial Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Robert and Susan Storch Trustee Scholarship

Roger C. Pertl Award in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Ronald C. Young Fund in International Agriculture

Rosemarie C. and Howard R. Peiffer Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Roy C. Buck Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Rumbaugh Agricultural Leadership Award

Rumbaugh Family Award

Russell C. and Ann E. Seward Scholarship for Study Abroad

Russell C. and Ann E. Seward Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Ruth and Robert O'Connor Scholarship

Samuel and Beverly Minor Trustee Scholarship

Sara L. Ristey Memorial Scholarship

Sarah Christine Donaldson Memorial Trustee Scholarship

Scanlon Family Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Snyder Family Award

Stanley and Mary Pruss Trustee Scholarship

Storer Family Trustee Scholarship in Agricultural Sciences

Storer Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Terry and Adriana Muth Ag Sciences Global Support Fund in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Terry and Constance Updegraff Eshenour Educational Equity Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

The Bernard N. and Beatrice W. Sandson Scholarship in Agriculture

The F. P. Schlatter Memorial Scholarship

The Honorable Samuel E. Hayes, Jr. Scholarship

The J. Lin Huber Scholarship Fund

The James and Gertrude Leamer Scholarship Endowment for Excellence

The Nicely Ridge Foundation Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Theola F. Thevaos Honors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Theola F. Thevaos Memorial Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Penn State

Theola F. Thevaos Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Thomas and Sandra Spring Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Tim and Gwen White Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Tioga Valley Saddle Club Scholarship

Trustee Scholarship Fund for the College of Agricultural Sciences

Waldo Wilbur Corl Memorial Scholarship

Walter N. Peechatka Award in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Wangsness Family Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Wendell and Carol Hunt Open Doors Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

Wendell and Carol Hunt Trustee Scholarship

William C. Nichol Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences

William D. and Clara Calhoun Phillips Scholarship Fund

William D. and Teresa L. Robinson Trustee Scholarship

William G. Zewan Trustee Scholarship

York Ag Products, W. Dale Anderson Memorial Trustee Scholarship