Build advanced knowledge in the planning and management of trees, forests, and other natural resources including their role in community development. Learn about community forestry management plans, land use planning and regulatory policy, and working in connected human ecological systems.
“You supply the passion, CED provides the tools.” – Amelia Wyckoff
Explores the perspectives, techniques, and methodologies of comparative and international education, devoted to the systematic analysis of the operation and effects of the world's education systems.
Providing life cycle scientific and technical services and scientific expertise in multiscale complex data integration and analyses. (Social Science Research Institute/Population Research Institute)
The Conewago Creek Initiative is a locally-led, collaborative partnership effort in the Conewago Creek watershed in Dauphin, Lebanon, and Lancaster Counties of Pennsylvania.
Complete this online form to initiate a request for our planning and event services .
Explore innovative tools and information to help landowners and practitioners implement conservation.
Corrosive water is a term used to describe “aggressive” water that can dissolve materials with which it comes in contact. While aggressive water is usually not dangerous to consume by itself, it can cause serious drinking water quality problems by dissolving metals from plumbing systems.
Courses and workshops may include face-to-face meetings, or field-based experiences with instruction and hands-on activities. Content from courses and workshops may be transitioned to an online course experience supported by the Atlas team.
This resource, in Spanish and English, is part of a series on "Cross-cultural Relationships in the Workplace." It will provide useful information to apply strategies to create a positive diversity climate in your organization.
Hispanic farmers and farmworkers face access barriers to agricultural programming that need to be addressed to more effectively “reach and teach.” Over a 1-year period, 22 to 25 agricultural educators attended a three-workshop training series focused on increasing knowledge and skills for planning, designing, advertising, and delivering agricultural programs inviting to Hispanic farmers and farmworkers. The workshop series included an expert on the science of inclusion, a specialist in Latino community studies, and several representatives from organizations with long histories of connecting with Hispanic farming audiences. Through guided activities and facilitated discussion, participants developed strategies for creating programming welcoming to the Hispanic farming community.
Crown gall, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, is characterized by galls or overgrowths that form on the roots, trunk, and arms of grape vines. V. vinifera are more susceptible than V. labrusca varieties.
Houses a one-of-a-kind FEI Titan Krios microscope that offers uncompromised data collection for the life sciences while incorporating materials science applications. Specifically, the facility allows for fully automated atomic-resolution single-particle and high-contrast tomography tilt-series data collection. (The Huck Institutes and Materials Research Institute)
A biotechnology pilot plant, located in the newly renovated Agricultural and Biological Engineering Building, capable of research- and pilot-scale production of microbial cells, recombinant proteins, and other microbial products over a wide range of controlled conditions. (The Huck Institutes)
The model Cycles simulates agricultural productivity (grain, forage and biomass yield) and the water, carbon and nitrogen balance of soil-crop systems subject to different climate, soil and management constraints.
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
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- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662