Center for Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management

The Center for Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management is one of two EPA-funded centers in the Chesapeake Bay region conducting research on community-based approaches to stormwater management using green infrastructure.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

This interdisciplinary center under the Huck Institutes encompasses expertise across the University in both basic and applied fields to provide insights into how to prevent or reduce infections.

Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics

Our work involves evolutionary biology, ecology, parasitology, microbiology, genetics, and immunology.

Center for Mastitis and Milk Quality Services

Housed in the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, this center conducts research to develop practical dairy herd preventive medicine programs, safe and effective animal health products, and improved management techniques for the dairy industry.

Center for Mastitis and Milk Quality Services

The Center for Mastitis Research conducts innovative mastitis research aimed at developing practical dairy herd preventive medicine programs, safe and effective animal health products, and improved management techniques for the dairy industry.

Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease

This center, housed under the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences and affiliated with the Huck Institutes, promotes collaborative work to discover mechanisms that contribute to disease and develop novel therapeutic strategies.

Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease

Our mission is to promote interdisciplinary research and education in the areas of Immunology and Infectious Diseases.

Center for Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis

This interdisciplinary center, housed in the Huck Institutes and also supported in part by the IEE, brings together researchers from across the University to understand toxic effects of compounds at the molecular and biochemical level.

Center for Molecular Toxicology and Carcinogenesis

The Center was formed in 1997 to develop and expand programs in toxicology and carcinogenesis at Penn State. Over the past ten years the Center has fostered the development of graduate and undergraduate programs in toxicology.

Center for Nutrient Solutions

CNS has taken a complex, multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, developing an innovative, diverse and highly collaborative research team of soil scientists, agronomists, animal scientists, agricultural engineers, watershed managers, resource economists, policy specialists, landscape architects, geospatial analysts, hydrologists, aquatic ecologists, modelers, information technology experts, and community outreach specialists.

Center for Parasitic and Carnivorous Plants

This center is formed under the Huck Institutes and supports the integrative studies of parasitic and carnivorous plants at multiple levels of organization: molecular, cellular, genomic, evolutionary, and ecosystems.

Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health

This center is housed in the Department of Food Science and focuses on discovering the potential of foods from plants and mushrooms to improve human health, including studying the health benefits of foods for reducing the risk of chronic degenerative diseases and the nutritional and medicinal properties of numerous cultivated mushrooms.

Center for Pollinator Research

The Center for Pollinator Research is committed to developing and implementing integrative, multidisciplinary approaches to improving pollinator health, conservation, and management for ecosystems services through research, education, outreach and policy.

Center for Pollinator Research

This center, housed in the Department of Entomology and affiliated with the Huck Institutes and SAFES, develops and implements integrative, multidisciplinary approaches to improving pollinator health, conservation, and management for ecosystem services.

Center for Pollinator Research

The Center for Pollinator Research at Penn State is committed to developing and implementing integrative, multidisciplinary approaches to improving pollinator health, conservation, and management for ecosystems services through research, education, outreach and policy.

Center for Private Forests

The center focuses on applied research, education and outreach to students, forest landowners, the forest-products industry, loggers, conservation districts, agencies, land trusts, nongovernmental organizations and the public.

Center for Professional Personnel Development

Home of "Teach Ag!" at Penn State and housed under the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education, this center is committed to a comprehensive program of professional personnel development for career and technical education.

Center for Professional Personnel Development

Home of "Teach Ag!" at Penn State, the center is committed to the operation of a comprehensive program of professional personnel development for career and technical education.

Center for Quantitative Imaging

Houses a state-of-the art General Electric v|tome|x L300 nano/microCT that offers high-resolution imaging with feature detectability of 1 micron and 1,200millimeter maximum sample height. (Institutes of Energy and the Environment/Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories)

Center for Reproductive Biology and Health

This center, organized under the Huck Institutes, provides a forum for faculty to engage in research on the basic mechanisms involved in normal function of reproductive cells and tissues, as well as regulation of reproductive functions in health and disease.

Center for Reproductive Biology and Health

The Center for Reproductive Biology and Health at Penn State includes a group of faculty who are deeply committed to the improvement of reproductive health and function through integration of fundamental and applied research and dissemination of knowledge.

Center for Root and Rhizosphere Biology

Established in the Huck Institutes, this center fosters new collaborations to develop a better understanding of root function and root health, including root associations with symbionts and open avenues to create new resilient crops and agroecosystems and improved management.

Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Center for Sports Surface Research

This intercollege program is managed within the Department of Plant Science and is dedicated to improving the performance and safety of all sports surfaces.

Center for Sports Surface Research

The Center for Sports Surface Research at Penn State is dedicated to the improvement of all sports surfaces. Through cooperative scientific inquiry the center's members expect to improve performance and safety on all sports surfaces.

Center for Turfgrass Science

This center, housed in the Department of Plant Science, provides cutting-edge turfgrass research on the development of varieties, the management of pests, and other valuable information for turfgrass managers worldwide.

Center for Turfgrass Science

The Penn State Center for Turfgrass Science has been at the forefront of cutting edge turfgrass research for decades.

Center of Excellence in Industrial Biotechnology

This center is a part of the Huck Institutes and brings together interdisciplinary expertise in industrial biotechnology, including biopharmaceuticals, biobased chemicals and fuels, and food biotechnology.

Chad Dechow

2024 Research Innovator Awardee

Change of Major

Information Technologies


401 Ag Administration Building
State College, PA 16802