Posted: January 9, 2023

Effective 1/30/2023, all NSF proposals with an "off-campus or off-site research" component will be required to establish a "plan to ensure a safe and inclusive working environment."

NSF defines "off-campus or off-site research" as "data/information/samples being collected off-campus or off-site, such as fieldwork and research activities on vessels and aircraft."

This plan is not to be included in the NSF proposal, but Penn State will be required to maintain a copy of your project-specific plan. PIs will be required to share this plan with all members of their research team prior to their participation in the off-campus/off-site research component. More information about this requirement can be found at NSF PAPPG, II.E.9.

Penn State is working on developing a template/questionnaire to help PIs prepare plans in accordance with NSF’s proposal guide. Additional guidance will be shared with the NSF PI community later this month.

Office of Grants and Contracts


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