10 students and three faculty members traveled to Israel over spring break 2018 to learn about how the nation's culture promotes startups, entrepreneurship and innovation.
Who’s herding who? Students and professors herded goats during their spring break 2018 trip to Israel to learn how leadership requires constant communication. Left to right: Aiden Smith, Thomas Hannan, Benjamin Cutler and Mark Gagnon. Image by Anne Hoag.
PSU students with their guide in Massada during a spring break 2018 trip to Israel. Left to right: Benjamin Cutler, Griffin Brown, Michael Willis, Pranav Jain, Benjamin Kenawell, Jared Franz, Marc Coles (our guide), Gruwonyen (Tiffany) Zoe, Thomas Hannan, Aiden Smith and Tran (Tresca) Ngo. Image by Anne Hoag.
Now is the time ... Students Learn about Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Israel.
(L to R) Professors Mark Gagnon, Anne Hoag and Bob Beury with their guide to Israel's startup culture, Marc Coles. Mark Gagnon is the Harbaugh Entrepreneur and Innovation Faculty Scholar in the College of Agricultural Sciences. Hoag is Associate Professor & Director of Intercollege Minor in Entrepreneurship & Innovation (ENTI). Beaury interim director of the Engineering Entrepreneurship minor in the School of Engineering Design, Technology, and Professional Programs (SEDTAPP).