Preparations for the 2008-2013 strategic plan were launched in July 2007 when the Penn State Ag Council hosted five focus group sessions to provide input for the college's strategic planning process. The Ag Council's October 2007 delegate meeting was devoted to further refinement of this input. Participants discussed major issues and trends facing their industries across renewable energy, pest prediction and response, environmental issues, food safety and quality, and job, economic and community development.

During spring 2008, seven strategic initiative teams used this stakeholder input to identify recommendations for longer term implementation priorities. Team leaders presented these recommendations at a leadership team retreat in April 2008 . The recommendations were used to refine the next five year college strategic plan submitted to the Provost July 1, 2008.

2008-2013 College Strategic Plan

PDF document, 665.0 KB

Developing The Plan
Unit Plans
Implementation Updates