Judging teams from the past
2022 Fall National Team at AR
Penn State’s Collegiate Poultry Judging Team placed first in the nation at the 56th Fall National Collegiate Poultry Judging at the Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR. on November 7th and 8th, 2022. Penn State has now won this national contest two years in a row and four of the past 7 years. Penn State Collegiate Poultry Judging Team, front row from left: Katherine Schafer and Madison Berger; Back row, from left Matthew Eyre, William Sondericker and Phillip Clauer
2022 Spring National Team at LSU
Penn State’s Collegiate Poultry Judging Team placed second in the nation at the 73rd USPOULTRY Foundation Ted Cameron National Poultry Judging Contest held at Louisiana State University on April 6-8, 2022. Penn State Collegiate Poultry Judging Team, from left: Phillip Clauer, Patrick Rush, Maci Raybuck, Jonathan Nace, and Rogen Shaffer.
2021 Fall National Team at AR
Penn State’s first place poultry judging team, from left: Morgan Watt, Rogen Shaffer, Jonathan Nace, Brooke Kline and Coach Philip Clauer.
2019 Fall team at U of AR (3rd overall)
Katelyn Brouse, Erin Lang, Phillip Clauer, Montana Riggs, Megan Laubach
2019 Spring Team at LSU (3rd Overall)
(L-R) Montana Riggs, Megan Laubach, Coach Phillip Clauer, Karissa Lombardo and Alicia Gates.
2018 Fall Team at U of AR (2nd Overall)
Heather Sciubba, Hannah Menges, Katie Sondericker, Phillip Clauer and Amanda Kulp
2018 Spring Team at LSU (5th Overall)
(L-R) Heather Menges, Katie Sondericker, Coach Phillip J. Clauer, Amanda Kulp and Hannah Sciubba.
2017 Fall Team at (2nd Overall)
(L-R) Kevin Brubaker, Katie Hess, Phillip Clauer (coach), Kurtis Miller, Denver Greenawalt
2017 Spring Team at LSU (2nd Overall)
(L-R) Blake Ramsey, Kurtis Miller, Katie Hess, Kevin Brubaker, Phillip Clauer (coach)
2016 Fall National College Championship Team
(L to R) Front Row: Blake Ramsey, Logan Karchner, Matthew Hackenberg, Back Row: Alyssa Kaupas, Phillip Clauer (Coach)
2016 Spring Team at LSU (5th Overall)
(L-R) Logan Karchner, Danielle Wilson, Phillip Clauer (Coach), Alyssa Kaupas, Matthew Hackenberg.
2015 Fall National College Championship team
Pictured: (L-R) Front: Nathan Graybeal, Benjamin Luksic, Camille Lewandowski, Back; Joshua Cassar (high overall individual), Phillip Clauer (Coach)
2015 Spring Team at LSU (2nd Overall),
(L to R) Phillip Clauer (Coach), Ben Luksic, Camille Lewandowski, Joshua Cassar (high overall individual), Nathan Graybeal.
2014 Fall Team (2nd Place Overall)
Fall 2014 team at AR contest. Front row, from left: Lindsay Royer, Hannah Misner and Sarabeth Royer. Second Row: Isaac Haagen (high overall individual), and Coach Phillip Clauer.
2014 Spring Team (2nd Overall)
(L to R) Phillip Clauer, Jessiah Ramsey, Hannah Misner, Sarabeth Royer, Isaac Haagen
2013 Fall team (4th Place overall)
Front (L to R) Jillian Koren, Corissa Steimling, Amy Mayer, Back (L to R) Dylan Lape, Phillip Clauer
2013 Spring Team (3rd place Overall)
(L to R) Dylan Lape, Amy Mayer, Corissa Steimling, Jill Koren and Phillip Clauer
2012 Fall Team (2nd Place Overall)
Front row (L to R) Thomas Edwards and Sarah Nafziger. Back row (L to R)Phillip Clauer, Stephen Linde and Jared McIntire,
2012 Spring Team (5th Place Overall)
(L to R) Thomas Edwards, Jared McIntire, Phillip Clauer, Stephen Linde and Sarah Nafziger
2011 Fall Team (4th Place Overall)
Front row (L-R) Mickey Taylor, Molly Winkle, Justin Knoebel, Back row (L-R) Dirk Wise and Phillip Wise
2011 Spring Team (2nd Place Overall)
Front row (L-R) Justin Knoebel, Ethan Cleaver, Philip Wise, Back row (L-R) Phillip Clauer Mickey Taylor, Dirk Wise
2010 Spring Team (2nd Overall)
(L-R): Jacob Haagen, Russell Phenice, Krista Moser, Andrew Pullen, In Back: Phillip Clauer
2010 Fall Team (2nd Place Overall)
(L-R): Russell Phenice, Andrew Pullen, Krista Moser, Jacob Haagen,
2009 Fall Team (2nd Place Overall)
Front row (L-R): Ayla Detwiler, Hannah Atkins, Alison Bardella, Back Row (L-R): Jimmy Lowe, Dirk Wise.
2009 Spring Team (2nd Place overall)
Front row (L-R): Kevin Kreider, Hannah Atkins, Jimmy Lowe, Back Row (L-R): Melessa Barrick, Phillip Clauer
2008 Fall Team ( 2nd Place Overall)
Front Row (L-R): Alex Lauffer, Christine Molinaro, Back Row (L-R): Kevin Kreider, Keith Lutz, Dirk Wise
2008 Spring Team (4th place Overall)
(L-R): Keith Lutz, Alex Lauffer, Christine Molinaro, Krystal Notari, Phillip Clauer
2007 Fall Team ( 2nd Place Overall)
Front Row (L-R): Ashley Collins, Samantha Tartaglino, Megan Boyer, Back Row (L-R) Dick Wise, Tami Topper.
2007 Spring Team (2nd Place Overall)
Front Row (L-R): Tami Topper, Megan Boyer, Ashley Collins, Back Row (L-R) Phillip Clauer, Megan Slagel.
2006 Fall Team ( 2nd Place Overall)
Front Row (L-R): Robyn Wirth, Amanda Goddard, Andrew Herr, Back Row (L-R) Dirk Wise, Megan Lighty,
2006 Spring Team (2nd Place Overall)
(L-R): Phillip Clauer, Amanda Goddard, Andrew Herr, Megan Lighty, Robyn Wirth
2005 National Champion Fall Team
Pictured (L-R) Paul Hostetter, Jeremy Ranck, Michael Cressman, Gina Lehman,
2005 Spring Team (5th Place team)
Pictured Front (L-R) Lara Herger, Gina Lehman, Back row (L-R) Michael Cressman, Phillip Clauer (coach) Paul Hostetter,
2004 Fall Team (3rd Overall)
Front Row (L-R): Coory Bartholomew, Kristy Eshbach, Anne Soergel, Back row (L-R): Matt Ventrella, Dirk Wise
2004 Spring Team (4th Overall)
(L-R) Matt Ventrella, Kristy Eshbach, Anne Soergel, Corry Bartholomew, Phillip Clauer
2002 Spring Team (8th overall)
Front row (L-R) Ian Roop, Tracy Lingren, Back row (L-R) Phillip Clauer, Nick Gardner, Robert Miller.