Thinking about being a member? Here's how!

From the National Block and Bridle Constitution:

"Any student at an institution of collegiate rank, offering a baccalaureate and/or associate program in the animal sciences, who is interested in animal agriculture and in the furtherance of the ideals and goals of the Block and Bridle Club shall be eligible for membership.

No person shall be initiated into the organization save by an active collegiate club, except in the foundation of such clubs or by the clubs assembled in National Convention.

The collegiate club shall consider such candidates as have been approved by the membership committee. The membership committee shall consider all applications for membership and report on said application at the next meeting after their presentations."

-National Block and Bridle Club Constitution and By-Laws; Article II, Section II New Members

" A candidate in due form shall be known as a nominee until duly initiated, at which time his/her name shall be sent to the National Secretary for entry in the National Membership Record.

New member activities shall be at the discretion of the local club; however, in no case will activities that are degrading and/or embarrassing to the individual nominee be tolerated by the National Block and Bridle Club.

No nominee shall be initiated into full membership until the full membership fee has been paid."

-National Block and Bridle Constitution and By-Laws; Article II, Section V

Penn State Requirements

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Penn State Chapter of the Block and Bridle Club, here is what you need to do:

1. Attend as many business meetings as possible throughout the semester.

2. You must receive at least 4 B & B sponsored credits to count towards your initiation requirements. Initiation opportunities will be announced at every meeting.

Please contact our Marshal, Sara McNichols (, to be added to the Block and Bridle Canvas Page!