Participant consent forms; assessments for knowledge, behavior, attitude and handwashing skills
Participant consent forms; pre-test and post-test assessments to determine participants' knowledge, behavior, attitude and handwashing skills
PDF document, 175.3 KB
FSSC consent form for participation in the study
PDF document, 170.4 KB
FSSC consent form for participation in the study-evaluation of handwashing skills
PDF document, 103.8 KB
FSSC Pretest Assessment-demographic information
PDF document, 145.8 KB
FSSC Pre/Post-test Assessment-knowledge
PDF document, 51.0 KB
FSSC Pre/Post-test Assessment-behavior
PDF document, 62.5 KB
FSSC Pre/Post-test Assessment-attitude
PDF document, 114.0 KB
FSSC Pre/Post-test Assessment Handwashing Skill Evaluation Sheet
Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
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- Office 814-863-0249
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Ag Sciences Global
106 Agricultural Administration BuildingUniversity Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-0249
- Fax 814-865-3055