All graduate assistantship, post-doc scholar and fellowship appointments, changes and terminations forms are due in Denise Miller's office by the 12th of each month.
If you have a new appointment, reappointment, change or termination that effects that month's pay, it will need to be submitted to me (and any paperwork needed delivered to my office) by the 12th of each month in order to make Payroll's month deadline. Any forms received after the 12th of each month, will be processed for the NEXT month's pay.
If the 12th of the month falls on a weekend, the forms will be due on the closest work day.
The Fall, Spring and Summer deadlines that are established at the beginning of each semester calling for the processing of all semester appointments will still be established as it has always been.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Salary advances are not permitted for late appointments.
Please take this time to inform all necessary persons of the importance of submitting information in a timely manner in order to make this deadline so that graduate assistants, post-doc scholars and fellows can receive their correct monthly pay.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I will be glad to help you.
Thanks for your understanding,
Denise L. Miller
Senior Accountant
Finance and Business Operations
210 Ag Administration Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 865-6647
(Originally posted on Monday, March 05, 2007)