Chair: Dennis Calvin
Terry Etherton, Rich Marini, Bill Kleiner, Paul Heinemann

Objective 1

Provide relevant, high quality products and customer service to our customers and stakeholders


  • Fully implement external advisory committees for all teams and departments
  • Implement a strategic, formal product development process
  • Develop a data driven quality control/quality improvement process for continued assessment of products, services, and impacts
  • Implement appropriate online/mobile/marketing technologies and best practices to enhance customer interactions and access (Atlas)

Actions/Measures of Success

  • Shifts in customer satisfaction with our products and services
  • Increase in customer demand for our products
  • Implementation of a product quality assessment and improvement process
  • Integrated packages of educational products and tools in support of programs
  • Full implementation of the Atlas project
  • Progress in strategic implementation of an integrated phone and data handling system

Objective 2

Create an environment rewarding innovation and risk taking that explores emerging areas, new products and expands markets and revenues


  • Strengthen our traditional customer base and expand in to new demographics
  • Increase the use of data and marketing research to develop products and expand markets
  • Invest resources and encourage innovation for new product development
  • Implement online marketing and e-commerce best practices
  • Create a process/pipeline to bring products to market in less time with less money that meet set standards

Actions/Measures of Success

  • Increase in market share and expansion of the demographic makeup of customer base
  • Increased demand for products and increased positive impression of the Extension brand
  • Broadened advocacy base and support for the college and Extension
  • Introduction of more robust and consistent product lines from each SEU
  • Full implementation of Atlas project
  • Increased cost recovery and revenues

Objective 3

Improve the integration of new knowledge discovery, translation, dissemination, adoption, and evaluation


  • Enhance the opportunities for field-based and on-campus units to interact, communicate and collaborate
  • Improve awareness and access to research and expertise
  • Enhance opportunities for multifunctional grant teams and projects
  • Expand private/public partnerships

Actions/Measures of Success

  • More full integration of multifunctional teams
  • More opportunities for multifunctional teams to exchange information and develop collaborative opportunities
  • Increase in public/private agreements

Objective 4

  • Advance a systems approach to address integrated, complex and emerging issues


  • Optimize the disciplinary make-up of teams and departments
  • Create formal communication channels and expectations across teams and departments
  • Assess the skills and attributes of faculty, Extension faculty, Associates and Educators relative to the continually evolving needs of the customers and the organization

Actions/Measures of Success

  • Implementation of team staffing models that integrate department and Extension team needs
  • Improved job descriptions focused on defining appropriate skills sets and attributes for Extension faculty, Associates and Educators
  • Development and implementation of a new Associate and Educator job classification system
  • More robust professional development and training opportunities available