EARTH House members are encouraged to serve in a variety of projects. Active members are required to do four service projects per year. Below are some of the more popular activities.
American Red Cross: Whether you are donating blood or donating time, the American Red Cross welcomes all volunteers. For more information on blood drives on campus or in the area, visit
THON: We are looking forward to another successful year participating in THON, which is the largest student-run philanthropy in the world. We raise money to benefit children suffering from pediatric cancer. See and attend the next business meeting for more information.
Housing Staff Appreciation: Don't miss our cooking-baking nights! We make cookies for the housing staff who keep everything in the dorms running smoothly.
Friday Night Lights Out Program: We take turns with other organizations making sure the lights are shut off in classrooms and that they are organized neatly to help out our custodial staff.
The Arboretum: We participate in many volunteer projects with Arboretum staff since it is a short walk away from Runkle. We also participate in bird band volunteering in this space!
Did you know ...
Shaver's Creek: Throughout the semester, we have various activities at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center. Located about 20 minutes from campus, it is an educational nature center for kids of all ages! We help with various activities, from the Maple Harvest Festival to setting up and helping with a haunted trail!