Ag Sciences Global
Exploring the frontiers of the global food system.
Our faculty, students, and extension professionals engage and collaborate with international stakeholders to make a difference for today’s generation and those to come. We are focused on impacting health, poverty, and environmental, agricultural, and food issues—issues not limited by our borders.

International study to expand your world with programs ranging from days to entire years abroad

An interdisciplinary approach to understanding and appreciating international development and agricultural systems

A dual-title degree program that provides a purposeful framework for internationalizing your education

Leveraging resources to solve worldwide problems and make advancements that will affect us all

Research, instruction, and evidence-based outreach addressing the intersections of gender with agricultural and environmental sciences

Harnessing collaborative research, mission-driven partnerships, local perspectives, and global best practices to bolster food, energy, and water security in communities around the world.

Connecting global experts, practitioners, organizations, and businesses to educators around the world

Supporting small and medium-sized agriculture enterprises in the breadbasket of Europe, with a particular focus on gender issues

Research focused on crop and product quality, alleviation of poverty and hunger, reduced impacts on climate change, and industry support world-wide

Improving lives by helping to ensure an accessible, nutritious food supply that is safe from threats

Building upon a long history of international work
Ag Sciences Global News
$100M external funding since 2000
3,000 students studying abroad since 2000
330+ graduates since 2010