Travel Policy (

A great reference if you have questions about traveling on behalf of Penn State. Contains lots of details about meals, lodging, transportation, foreign travel and more.

Tree Fruit and Small Fruit Courses
Tree Fruit Production Guide

Get the most up-to-date information on growing tree fruit on a commercial scale.

Tree Fruit Production Videos

Short "Learn Now" videos on sustainable and innovative production practices.

Tree Fruit Training and Self-Paced Learning Resources in English and Spanish
Troy Ott

Dean; C. Lee Rumberger and Family Chair in Agricultural Sciences

Trustee Scholarship Honors Memory of Penn State Alumna

Sarah Donaldson loved Penn State. So much that after earning two degrees at the University -- a bachelor's degree in animal bioscience and a master's degree in pathobiology -- she chose to begin her career as a research cellular biologist with a job in the College of Agricultural Sciences. She was working in the field of molecular epidemiology, and engaged to be married, when a car accident cut short her life in June 2008 at the age of 28. Now, those who were closest to her have decided to honor Sarah's life by helping other students attend the University she cared so much about. Her family and friends have contributed $50,000 to endow the Sarah Christine Donaldson Memorial Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences, which will aid undergraduates who have financial need. First preference for the scholarship will go to students in animal bioscience.

Trustee Scholarships Benefit Animal Science Students

Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences has received $100,000 to establish two Trustee Scholarships that will give first preference to undergraduate students majoring in animal sciences. Friends and family of Henry and Dona Bergfeld, of Summitville, Ohio, have pledged $50,000 to endow the Henry L. and Dona A. Bergfeld Trustee Scholarship. Larry Hilgendorf has pledged $50,000 to establish the Larry E. Hilgendorf and J. Edgar Hilgendorf Trustee Scholarship, in memory of his father.

Trustee's Gifts to Benefit PA 4-H Students, Rural Leadership Programs

Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences and Penn State Outreach programs will benefit from $550,000 in gift commitments made by University trustee and agribusiness leader Keith W. Eckel. Eckel has given $50,000 to establish the Eckel Family Trustee Scholarship, which will support undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have financial need. First preference will be given to students who are present or past members of Pennsylvania 4-H, a youth development program of Penn State Cooperative Extension. In addition, Eckel plans to endow Penn State Outreach programs in rural leadership and 4-H leadership with an estate gift of $500,000.

Tufts University (Massachusetts)
Tuition and Student Aid Information
Turfgrass Disease Clinic

The Turfgrass Disease clinic provides assistance to the turfgrass industry in Pennsylvania in maintaining high quality turf through integrated turfgrass health management practices.

Turfgrass Management, Advanced (Online)

This 30-credit certificate program is a comprehensive, science-based course of study that builds on the Basic Turfgrass Management certificate program.

Turfgrass Management, Basic (Online)

Build the knowledge and skills necessary to assess, treat, and manage turf in any climate or terrain. Be a part of the turfgrass program that dominates the industry.

Turfgrass Science

“Everyone in turf loves what they do.” – William Hilderhoff

Turfgrass Science and Management (Online)

An associate degree in Turfgrass Science and Management can give you the skills and advantage you need to move your career forward on the golf course or sports facility.

Turfgrass Students Benefit From Toro's Financial and Product Support

Penn State's turfgrass science program has received a $40,000 grant from The Toro Co. to support student activities, along with product donations that include an aerator and other Toro equipment valued at about $25,000. Toro's cash grant will help give student teams the opportunity to travel and compete in two major turfgrass events. The new aerator will be used for demonstration and instructional purposes.

Tuskegee University (Alabama)
Ukrainian Youth As Researchers - Developing Empathy Between Refugees and Host Communities in London

In the UK the Youth researchers explored "Developing Empathy Between Refugees and Host Communities in London". They presented their findings at academic conferences, in front of local governments and city councils, for community stakeholders, and through this video.

Ukrainian Youth As Researchers in Poland

In Poland the Youth researchers explored "Workforce Development Opportunities for Ukrainian Secondary Students in Warsaw," and "Government Corruption in Ukraine." They presented their findings at academic conferences, in front of local governments and city councils, for community stakeholders, and through this video.

Undergraduate Advanced Certificate in Turfgrass Management

A comprehensive course of study that builds upon the basic turfgrass management certificate program. Completion of this program fulfills the education requirement for Class A membership in the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.

Undergraduate Certificate in Turfgrass Management, Advanced

This course builds on the basic certificate and fulfills the education requirement for Class A membership in the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.

Undergraduate Certificate in Turfgrass Management, Basic

Whether you work in golf course maintenance, athletic field maintenance, professional lawn care, or another turf career, this program will help you excel.

Undergraduate Certificate in Turfgrass Management

Whether you work in golf course maintenance, professional lawn care, grounds maintenance, sod production, sales and service, athletic field maintenance, or research support, this program can help you excel in your career.

Undergraduate Research Funding Opportunities

The Office for Research and Graduate Education, in conjunction with the Office for Undergraduate Education, co-sponsor the College of Agricultural Sciences Research Scholars Program.

Underhills Endow Agricultural Sciences Turstee Scholarship

A Penn State alumni couple, Lowell T. and Lois B. Underhill, of Wilmington, Del., have given $71,000 to endow a Trustee Scholarship to benefit undergraduates enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have financial need.

Understanding Latinx Farmers in Pennsylvania to Meet Their Needs for Non-Formal Education

Latinx/Hispanic farmers are an underrepresented group with the largest number of farm operators in the US. However, agricultural educators have encountered challenges in identifying Latinx farmers in Pennsylvania and consequently, in meeting their needs. This study contributed to improved agricultural programming by offering an exploratory overview of the experiences of Latinx farmers and Extension educators in the Commonwealth. Qualitative research interviews were conducted with Latinxs at different stages of their farming journey, and with educators with experience in agriculture programming and outreach to Latinxs. Both groups discussed challenges they believe Latinx farmers face due to their ethnicity and provided recommendations to better serve the Latinx farming population. Based on the findings, agricultural educators could support Latinx farmers by developing statewide programming, including programming in Spanish, having employers allocate a percentage of educators’ responsibilities to connecting with this audience, creating a Latinx farmers’ network, partnering with organizations connected with Latinx farmers, participating in cultural competency training, and promoting stories of success.

UNESCO Youth As Researchers in Response to COVID-19

Young people aged 18-35 have formed research teams that answer these and other questions. This research is designed by young people, conducted by young people and about young people. The youth researchers will collaborate with a group of like-minded young people, receive training and be supported by a team coordinator to assist with the research.

UNESCO Youth As Researchers in Response to COVID-19 - Policy Brief


Launched at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO’s “Youth As Researchers on COVID-19” (YAR) is a signature global youth-led research initiative that consolidates evidence from youth across the world on their experiences of, and impactful action during, the global COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to contributing with youth perspectives to inform policy decisions, the goal of the initiative is to promote evidence-based policy- making, and to counter disinformation.

Unit Fund Reports

Budget and Expense Summary Reports for E&G, Landscrip, Assistance and Gift Funds.

Information Technologies


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State College, PA 16802