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Inclusive Scientists. Inclusive Science.
The Arboretum at Penn State continues to develop, thanks to gifts from University alumni and friends. Among the most recent commitments is a $120,000 pledge from James and Lynn Ramage for the Arboretum's marsh meadow, part of the H.O. Smith Botanic Gardens. The meadow will be named for the Ramages in recognition of their generosity. "When Lynn and I travel, we make it a point to visit various gardens and arboretums," James Ramage explained. "Penn State is one of the few land-grant universities without an arboretum, so when we heard that it was going to develop this arboretum, we were delighted. And we like the idea of giving back to the University."
Through their longtime personal and professional involvement with Penn State, C. Channa and Usharani Reddy have seen firsthand the need for student financial support. Most recently, the Penn State distinguished professor and head of the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences and his wife have given $50,000 to the College of Agricultural Sciences to endow a scholarship to assist undergraduates who have financial need. The award, named for the donors in honor of their generosity, gives first preference to students majoring in toxicology in the Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences.
Arsenic occurs in groundwater in Pennsylvania from both natural sources and manís activities. It is present naturally in certain rock types that are especially common in the western United States but also occur sporadically in parts of Pennsylvania.
Learn more about the integrated work helping Pennsylvanians across the Commonwealth.
Step-by-step assistance in moving your research from the drawing board and laboratory to the marketplace.
Researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences have developed a robotic mechanism for mushroom picking and trimming and demonstrated its effectiveness for the automated harvesting of button mushrooms.
Coverage of an EFSNE community-based event that took place in Dover, DE on April 5, 2016.
Riparian buffers are one solution for protecting Pennsylvania's waters. This brochure explores the problem, the riparian buffer solution, streambank fencing, fence with vegetation buffers, and the gold bar; forested riparian buffers.
A world-class high-performance computing system for carrying out advanced simulation and statistical modeling, data analysis, data mining, machine learning, and more. (Institute for Computational and Data Sciences)
Professor and Department Head, Food Science
Students in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have a demonstrated financial need are the beneficiaries of a new scholarship endowment created by a Penn State alumnus and his wife. William and Teresa Robinson, of Freeburg, created the William D. and Teresa L. Robinson Trustee Scholarship. First preference for funds will be given to students enrolled in the Poultry and Avian Science minor.
Affiliated with IEE and operating under the College of the Liberal Arts, this multidisciplinary and intercollege institute promotes engaged ethics research, ethical leadership, and literacy within Penn State, and public outreach to address today's moral challenges.
Addresses rural societal organization, including social change, community structure, population, rural community development, the structure of agriculture, natural resources, and the environment.
Students in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have a demonstrated financial need are the beneficiaries of a new scholarship endowment created by two Penn State alumni. With a $50,000 gift, Jay and Joyce Rush created the Jay V. and Joyce H. Rush Family Trustee Scholarship.
A reference center for internal and external users as well as a facility where students, faculty, and external personnel have access to hands-on training in cell cultures, providing direct experience with the technologies and processes used in current, sophi sticated biotechnology settings. (The Huck Institutes)
A new scholarship created by an alumnus of Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences and his partner will benefit students in the college with demonstrated financial need. Mark Saunders and Lynn Walker, of Shelburne, Vt., provided a $50,000 gift to establish the H. Mark Saunders and Lynn M. Walker Trustee Scholarship.
University Park, Pa. -- Retired Penn State faculty member Dennis C. Scanlon and his wife, Janet Scanlon, of State College, have given $50,000 to the University to create a Trustee Scholarship for students in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have financial need. First preference for the scholarship, which will be named for the couple in recognition of their generosity, will be given to students majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education.
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