A list of How To documents for Windows 7 from the Ag IT staff.
This video will walk you through how to use the Penn State drinking water test kit to successfully analyze the quality of your drinking water.
Instructions for updating your company files from earlier versions of QuickBooks Pro
The Atlas team supports development of task specific, how-to videos where full motion is necessary to communicate an idea or process to customers.
The College of Agricultural Sciences is among eight colleges participating in this University-wide institute, which includes a network of institutes and centers of excellence, instrumentation facilities, and advanced graduate programs.
The College of Agricultural Sciences is among eight colleges participating in the Huck Institutes, which includes a network of institutes and centers of excellence, instrumentation facilities, and advanced graduate programs.
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a gas that gives water a distinctive “rotten egg” odor. It occurs naturally in groundwater as a consequence of the activities of sulfur reducing bacteria.
Assessment details impact of pests and pathogens on the world’s major food crops.
Retired long-time faculty member and department head in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences C. Channa Reddy and his wife, Usharani, have given $50,000 to create the C. Channa and Usharani C. Reddy Trustee Scholarship. The scholarship will help students in the college who have demonstrated financial need, with first preference given to immunology and infectious disease majors.
“This major has furthered my passion for medicine.” – Marley Fish
Read about the discoveries that are making a difference in everyday lives.
The College of Agricultural Sciences and industry work closely to the mutual benefit of both.
Ag IT offers training, consultation, and support for all your technology needs.
Identification, scouting, and management of common fruit insect and mite pests.
This unique transdisciplinary ecosystem, supported by the college, Huck Institutes, and IEE, integrates disparate centers of excellence to tackle complex biological, environmental, social, economic, and political drivers underlying changes in insect species abundance and distribution.
Instructions for downloading and installing GlobalProtect VPN for your personal computer (Windows, Mac and Linux) or mobile device (Android and iOS) can be found via this link to the Penn State IT Knowledge Base. Please note: GlobalProtect VPN establishes an encrypted tunnel connection to Penn State networks and resources. Global Protect is a “full tunnel” VPN connection, meaning all traffic from your computer traverses Penn State's network, including internet traffic. GlobalProtect is only needed if you need to access secure Penn State resources from your personal computer or mobile device.
ICDS enables and supports the diverse computational and data science research taking place throughout Penn State.
SAFES, a College of Agricultural Sciences institute affiliated with the Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE), establishes a novel environment for accelerating solutions to "wicked" landscape-level challenges to agriculture, food, and the environment.
The Institute for Sustainable Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Science (SAFES) establishes a novel environment for accelerating solutions to persistently "wicked" landscape-level challenges centered on agriculture, food, and the environment.
Faculty, staff, and students from the College of Agricultural Sciences lead and contribute to the important IEE work of advancing the University’s energy and environmental research missions.
Faculty, staff, and students from the College of Agricultural Sciences lead and contribute to the important work of this University-wide institute in advancing the University's energy and environmental research missions.
Uniquely focused on the study of integrative mechanisms of mammalian body systems at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels, and the application of that knowledge to study human diseases and conditions.
This view will display booths for exhibitors as available, reserved, and sold. The 2024 Show map is in development!
View a list of registered exhibitors and floor plans with the exhibitor's location at the interactive map web page. To find an "Exhibitor List", click at the top left tab to see who is registered. "Search" for a specific company using the search tool at the top of the exhibitor list. Click on the "Star" next to an exhibitor, to add them to your Favorites. Easily retrieve your list of favorites, under the "My Exhibitors" tab to create a list of exhibitors you want to visit while at the show! The "Advanced Search" allows you to find companies by word searches of product categories and brands the company may promote.
A database to allow users to enter requests for new SIMBA Internal Orders. Login is required and users must be registered to submit IO requests for a department. Contact Finance and Business Operations for more information.
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email agcompsupport@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email agcompsupport@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662