Faculty Reports

Financial summary reports for faculty members. Unit leaders and administrative support staff are also able to access these reports.

Farm Finances Webinar

An Introduction to Winter Courses on Business Planning and Entrepreneurship Speakers Lynn Kime (Penn State), Raechel Sattazahn and Katie Epstein (AgChoice Farm Credit) With guests Ken Guise (Knouse Foods), Julie Flinchbaugh (Flinchbaugh’s Orchard), Dave Benner (El Vista Orchards) and Maggie Travis (Bear Mtn Orchards)

Farm Show Event Website

Visit the official website of the PA Farm Show Event to learn more.

Feature Story: Enhancing Food Security in the Northeast (CSA News)

The cover story of the July 2014 issue of CSA News is a six-page feature story about the EFSNE project.

Featured Class Blog: CED 499B - Honduras

This 1 week field trip to Honduras is intended to provide a broad overview of the many issues facing local development initiatives in rural communities. The trip will expose us to local projects and initiatives developed during the last few years in the Yeguare valley to improve the local economy and reduce extreme poverty. These changes are slow and difficult and not always with positive results. Our hope is that this trip will help provide insight into difficulties of rural development.

Featured Class Blog: CED 499A - Children and Youth Empowerment Centre, Kenya

The Penn State CED class arrived in Nairobi, Kenya in their efforts to work in collaboration with the Children & Youth Empowerment Centre (CYEC) in Nyeri, Kenya. The class is comprised of nine students and three faculty members from the College of Agricultural Sciences at Penn State. The CYEC functions to provide street orphans and at-risk youth with education and vocational skills so that once they leave the Centre, they may be able to generate income on their own. The students are working closely with the older youth at the facility who participate in a Community-Based Organization (CBO) who run their own small businesses to generate income. During the three week immersion, PSU students will assist the CBO youth in projects like; small business workshops, resource identification in the locale, livestock production, and hay making.

Featured Class Blog: Spanish for Agriculture Field Studies (Costa Rica)
Fehnels Endow $100,000 Leadership Development Scholarship in Ag Sciences

Penn State alumnus Edgar Fehnel and his wife, Dorothy Fehnel, have pledged $100,000 to endow a Leadership Development Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences. The scholarship will support outstanding undergraduates who are interested in exploring various leadership styles within social, cultural, political, and organizational contexts. First consideration for the Edgar and Dorothy Fehnel Leadership Development Scholarship will be given to majors in agricultural and extension education, taking the leadership development and communication option, and who have participated in the Future Farmers of America and/or 4-H programs. Second consideration will be given to students minoring in leadership development.

Find Your Adviser

Get personal guidance from an adviser who truly knows your major.

Find Your Adviser

Get personal guidance from your campus adviser connected to Ag Sciences.

Finding solutions for more fair and just working conditions for farmworkers

Much of Dr. Kathleen Sexsmith’s research analyzes employment relations and working conditions facing Latino/a immigrant farmworkers in the U.S. She has found that when farmworkers are deeply involved in the design, implementation, and analysis of a project, the quality of the research is dramatically improved – in other words, the participatory action approach to research.

First-Gen Advocates

Build connections and community with other first-gen students through this Penn State student organization.

First-Gen Honor Society

Alpha Alpha Alpha (Tri-Alpha) is an honor society recognizing students who will be the first in their families to earn a bachelor’s degree.

First-Generation Student Success Center

The Penn State Chaiken Center for Student Success offers events and initiatives designed to help first-generation students navigate the collegiate experience, while connecting with other first-gen students, professionals, and advocates.

First-Year Students

Complete essential tasks that are required of every incoming student and access valuable resources

First-Year Students

Complete essential tasks that are required of every incoming student and access valuable resources

Firth Family Trustee Scholarship will assist Ag Sciences students

A new scholarship created by an alumnus of Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences and his wife will benefit students in the college with demonstrated financial need. Les and Elaine Firth, of Mercer, established the Firth Family Trustee Scholarship, with first preference going to students from the northwestern Pennsylvania counties of Crawford, Erie, Mercer and Warren.

Flow Cytometry Facility

Equipped with flow cytometers and cell sorters that enable researchers to examine cell samples within the range of the micron. (The Huck Institutes)

Food Insecurity among College Students on Campus

Research Team: Derek Menges, Sharan Singh, Brady Press, Caroline Kaschak, Amelia Thomas, Dustin Mintzer, Kate Sweeney, Jarrett Lewis, Brandon Essex, Elijah Armstrong

Food Safety Pilot Plant

The Food Safety Pilot Plant is designed for challenge and validation studies in a controlled environment. It is a CDC BioSafety Level 2 rated facility.

Food Science

“I’ll be starting my career as a food scientist right after graduation.” – Lauren Wolf

Food Science

Advances knowledge in the processing and manufacture of foods to ensure consumers can make healthful choices from affordable, safe, nutritious, and appealing foods.

Food Science

The core disciplines of food chemistry, food microbiology, and food engineering and processing with additional opportunities for nutrition education studies.

Food security, sweet potato production, and proximity to markets in northern Ghana
Forest Ecosystem Management

“Nothing is boring.” – Sean Freidhof

Forest Resources

Focuses on research, education, and scientific technology in the fields of forest resource management, forest biology, environmental concerns, and forest products.

Forest Technology

The Forest Technology associate degree helps prepare you for a career in forestry and natural resources management and includes hands-on learning in nearby forested areas.

Forestland Management Office

This office is responsible for the more than 8,000 acres of forest owned by Penn State used for teaching, research, recreation, and as a renewable resource for timber and other forest products.

Former Tulane President Establishes Trustee Matching Scholarship at Penn State

Herbert E. Longenecker, a Penn State alumnus and former president of Tulane, has established a Trustee Matching Scholarship to benefit students in the College of Agricultural Sciences. The scholarship, named for Longenecker, will give first preference to students majoring in food science. Trustee Matching Scholarships, requiring a $50,000 minimum gift, are designed to keep a Penn State education accessible to all qualified students, regardless of their financial means. The Trustee Matching Scholarship program is a five-year effort to raise $100 million in private support for new undergraduate scholarships across the University. The program, launched in 2002, has a unique matching component--the University matches 5 percent of each gift annually and combines these funds with income from the endowment to increase the financial impact of the scholarship.

Forms and Procedures

Access documents that are required for entrance to majors, change of campus and more.

Information Technologies


401 Ag Administration Building
State College, PA 16802