Posted: December 11, 2017

Butterball offers a turkey emergency hotline for the holidays, and if you look a little on Google you’re likely to find a hotline for fruitcake or eggnog emergencies as well. No need to use Google to find help for network and server issues in the College of Ag though...your IT colleagues will be on recliner-chair standby for just that sort of emergency.

Following the Penn State calendar, the Ag IT HelpDesk will be closed during the holiday break - December 22 through January 1.

Emergency support will be available every day between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. except December 25 and January 1. In the event of an emergency service outage such as the loss of office networking or loss of server-based departmental shares or My Documents, please call 814-865-1229, indicate that you have an emergency and briefly explain the nature of the outage. This information will be passed to on-call IT staff to help you.

Wireless network connectivity in University Park Campus buildings is a service of Penn State's Telecommunications and Networking Services (TNS). If wireless connectivity is unavailable please contact the Network Operations Center (NOC) directly at 865-4662 for resolution.

Non-emergency requests received by telephone during the holidays will be entered as a routine helpdesk ticket and will be responded to beginning on January 2. Alternately you can send non-emergency help requests for assistance after the holiday break by using the helpdesk web form at or send email to

Also please note that Ag IT asks that - where feasible - your computers be logged off, but remain turned on and connected to the network when you leave for the holiday break. This will ensure that all critical security updates are applied as scheduled.

Information Technologies


401 Ag Administration Building
State College, PA 16802