Resources From Academic Digital Education

Academic Digital Education New Online Course Process

For College of Agricultural Sciences faculty and departments interested in creating a new online course, the Academic Digital Education team provides this step-by-step guide for planning new course development and creation.

Pedagogical Approaches for Teaching and Learning With Canvas

Through the use of carefully selected pedagogical approaches, students become more engaged in the learning process. The approaches included as Teaching and Learning With Canvas resources focus on theory and/or research-based practices that can be used in any instructional format, including residential instruction, online learning, and blended classrooms.

These pedagogical approaches give instructors a clear purpose for why Canvas and other technologies should be considered in order to improve student success.

Predictors of Instructor Practices and Course Activities that Engage Online Students

Bigatel, Paula; Edel-Malizia, Stephanie

Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, v21 n1 Spr 2018

Much research on student engagement has recommended a variety of activities and instructor attitudes and behaviors that effectively engage online students such that they are more likely to persist in achieving their educational goals.

The purpose of this study was to provide instructors with the most effective strategies in terms of activities designed in their courses along with attitudes/behaviors to emulate that would have the most positive effect for engaging students.

Resources From Penn State

Accessibility and Usability at Penn State

This site explains how to ensure web pages and online documents can be made usable for users with different disabilities.

AI, Pedagogy, and Academic Integrity

This website provides resources developed by Penn State's AI and Academic Integrity Working Group.

Copyright Information at Penn State

The Office of Scholarly Communications and Copyright at the Penn State Libraries supports faculty, staff, and students in making informed and ethical decisions about copyright and the use of copyrighted materials in support of education and scholarly communications.

Penn State University Libraries - E-Learning Resources and Course Materials

Offering support for an array of online tools and resources to support your teaching and learning activities.

Regular and Substantive Interaction

Information about regular and substantive interaction (RSI), the U.S. Department of Education requirement that ensures distance education students using federal financial aid have opportunities for interaction with course instructors.

Web Learning at Penn State

The official web presence of the Penn State online community providing templates, tools, and other resources.

Course Availability

If you're ready to see when your courses will be offered, visit our public LionPATH course search to start planning ahead.