November 15, 2023
The James C. Finley Center for Private Forests at Penn State is an academic facility focused on applied research, education and engagement at the intersection of people and forests. Allyson Muth, director of the center and assistant research professor, discusses the importance of private forests to the Commonwealth and the eastern United States, the management opportunities and challenges, and the research and programs positively impacting their trajectory.

October 18, 2023
Food sensory analysis uses human senses to measure food characteristics such as taste, texture, smell, and appearance, which helps the food industry understand consumer demands and develop new and improved products.

September 20, 2023
Students from primary undergraduate institutions have few opportunities to engage in hands-on research and are often unaware of career opportunities in agricultural sciences.

August 8, 2023
Dean Rick Roush is joined by Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding at Ag Progress Days to discuss the current state of Pennsylvania agriculture, including emerging issues and opportunities.

July 19, 2023
Microbiomes are communities of microorganisms that inhabit an environment. Half of the cells in humans are microbes. As a collective, microbial assemblages and their genomes have profound impacts on solutions related to agricultural production, human chronic diseases, and ecosystem stability, among others.

June 21, 2023
Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable in Pennsylvania, the U.S., and the world. But plant diseases can take your crop before you do. Dean Rick Roush is joined by Majid Foolad, professor of plant genetics; Beth Gugino, assistant dean for graduate education; and Kevin Hockett, assistant professor of microbial ecology, to discuss conventional and modern breeding techniques, microbial disease management, and applied research in the field to keep your tomatoes healthy and delicious.

May 17, 2023
Dean Rick Roush is joined by resident expert Christina Grozinger, director of the Center for Pollinator Research and the Publius Vergilius Maro Professor of Entomology, to discuss all things pollinators. Learn about the importance of pollinators, what’s causing pollinator decline, and what you can do to help. They also discuss research collaborations across Penn State, as well as Penn State Extension and other outreach programs.

April 19, 2023
Associate Dean and Director of Penn State Extension, Brent Hales, is joined by Interim Master Gardener State Coordinator Andy Faust and Area Master Gardener Coordinator Valerie Sesler to discuss the program, training, and volunteer impacts of our Master Gardeners and how you could become one of them!

March 15, 2023
Adele Turzillo, professor and department head of Animal Science, is joined by Brian Egan and Burt Staniar, members of Penn State’s Equine Science Team for an engaging discussion of everything equine: from foals to the Quarter Horse Sale, feeding to exercise physiology research, 4-H to working with Pennsylvania’s horse community.

February 15, 2023
Dean Rick Roush is joined by Pasto Agricultural Museum Director Rita Graef to give a behind-the-scenes view of the museum, which features rare farm and household items dating from 4,000 BC to the 1940s, and the stories of the people who changed the course of agriculture.

January 10, 2023
Dean Rick Roush is joined by Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding to discuss the current state of Pennsylvania agriculture, including emerging issues and opportunities.

December 21, 2022
A discussion with Josh Rice, Penn State Extension Assistant Director of Programs for 4-H, and Matthew Crutchman, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Programming.

November 16, 2022
Senior Associate Dean Stephen Loerch is joined by Berkey Creamery Manager Tom Davis and Assistant Manager Jim Brown.

October 18, 2022
Dean Rick Roush is joined by Andrew McNitt, Program Coordinator for the Turfgrass Science Major, Professor of Soil Science, and Director of the Center for Sports Surface Research.

September 21, 2022
Dean Rick Roush is joined by expert Erika Machtinger, assistant professor of Entomology, to discuss the latest research and information on common ticks and tickborne diseases in Pennsylvania and best practices for how to avoid them.

August 9, 2022
Town hall session with Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding and Rick Roush, Dean of the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences

July 13, 2022
A discussion with: John Boney, Vernon E. Norris Faculty Fellow of Poultry Nutrition and Assistant Professor of Poultry Science; Justin Brown, Assistant Teaching Professor and Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences; and Megan Lighty, Associate Clinical Professor, Avian Diagnostic, and Outreach Veterinarian.

June 15, 2022
Dr. Long He, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

May 18, 2022
A discussion with Tom Murphy, Director of the Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research, and Darrin Youker, Director of State Government Affairs, Pennsylvania Farm Bureau.

April 20, 2022
A discussion with Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Tom Richard and Assistant Professor of Forest Resource Management Melissa Kreye

March 15, 2022
A discussion with representatives of the Office for Undergraduate Education in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences

February 16, 2022
A discussion with Ryan Elias, Professor and Associate Head of Food Science; Misha Kwasniewski, Assistant Research Professor of Fermented Beverage Science and Technology; and Rick Roush, Dean of the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences.

January 19, 2022
A discussion with Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding.

December 15, 2021
A discussion with Director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Dr. Dan Azzara, John and Patty Warehime Entrepreneur-in-Residence Dr. Maria Spencer, Research Professor for the Department of Entomology Dr. Nina Jenkins, and Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering Dr. Ali Demirci.

November 17, 2021
A discussion with Dr. Blair Siegfried, Associate Dean for Research, and Dr. Suat Irmak, Department Head of Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

October 20, 2021
A discussion with Rob Bertram, Chief Scientist in USAID's Bureau for Resilience and Security, and Deanna Behring, Assistant Dean and Director of Penn State Ag Sciences Global.

September 15, 2021
A discussion with Rick Roush, Dean of the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, Jason Rasgon, Professor of Entomology and Disease Epidemiology, and Mark Guiltinan, Professor of Plant Molecular Biology.

August 10, 2021
A conversation with Rick Roush, Dean of the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, and Russell Redding, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

July 21, 2021
A discussion with Julie Urban, Research Associate Professor in the Department of Entomology, and Jillian Stevenson, Associate Director of College Communications

June 16, 2021
Hosted by Dean Rick Roush and featuring: Sara Gligora, Pa Department of Agriculture Special Assistant for Workforce Development; Dan Eichenlaub, President of Eichenlaub, Inc. and Team PA Agriculture Advisory Board; and Jonathan Campbell, Associate Professor and Instructor for Penn State Extension Butcher School.