Thank you for your interest in the 2025 PA Timber Show and we hope you can join us this year. We have been hosting the Forest Products Equipment and Technology Exposition at this site since 2005 on a biennual basis. The Pennsylvania Forest Products Association (PFPA) and The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) are partnering again to plan the event on June 6 & 7, 2025 at Penn State's Ag Progress Days site, located just 9 miles southwest of State College, PA.
Potential exhibitors under consideration should meet one of the following criteria:
- Exhibit/demonstrate for the forest products industry the machinery, equipment, supplies, and materials with emphasis on showing improved methods in harvesting, handling, production, or utilization based upon latest research/technology achievements
- Provide for exhibiting appropriate products and services which contribute to the user safety, quality control, and sustainable practices in the forest products industry
- Showcase accomplishments in forestry or agricultural science and technology.
We are very excited about the upcoming event that offers the following benefits:
- The show site is located in the center of the state, making it accessible to the Pennsylvania's forest products industry.
- Low costs for exhibitors, reasonable space rental rates include free electric and forklift service. No customer admission or parking fees.
- Established Ag Progress Day's trade show venue offers many amenities to include both interior and expansive outside space, allowing for multiple exhibitor demonstrations.
- Continuing Education workshops with presentations by industry representatives, SFI trainers, and faculty from Ecosystem Science and Management Department at Penn State.
Contact our Timber Office by phone 814-863-2873 or email for more information.
2023 Exhibitor Contract is available for your reference.
We are looking forward to a successful show in June 2025, in some uncharted times. We continue to review various plans for hosting this primarily outdoor event with well ventilated indoor facilities. For your safety, we are giving strong consideration of new protocols to support social distancing, improved sanitation, and mask wearing in our planning. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
All the best,
Matt Gabler
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Forest Products Association (717-901-0420)
Jesse M. Darlington Jr.
Show Manager
The Pennsylvania State University (814-863-2873)