The Livestock Show and Sale program is a tool for use by counties in managing the local Livestock Show and Sale. With it you may prepare the show catalog, print invoices, track animals from weigh in to sale, and print checks.

Its primary objectives are:

  1. To manage the records from livestock shows and sales.
  2. To prepare livestock show and sale catalogs.
  3. To manage the financial records, print invoices, and checks from the livestock sale.


For help as you use the Livestock Show and Sale program, contact If you need help understanding the basic principles and procedures of a Livestock Show and Sale, contact an experienced livestock agent in your district.

Final Version Released in FMP v4

The final version released that used FileMaker Pro version 4 was released in May 2013. The only significant change in the 2013 version is the ability to import member data from ACCESS 4-H into the LS Show file.

Previous versions of the LSS files may be used by offices who still have FileMaker Pro version 4.

Note: A temporary network (using a router) can be created for a Sale. If you plan to uses a Wireless router for the event, you will need to use computers with wireless cards. Equipment and operators need to prepare and test the setup in advance of the sale.

Windows version in FileMaker Pro v4


Information Technologies


401 Ag Administration Building
State College, PA 16802