Located about 13 miles southwest of the University Park campus, this 7,000-acre experimental forest serves as a field laboratory for students and faculty.
This forestland is located in Huntingdon County. The map is a 5 MB pdf.
Check out stories by students in the College of Agricultural Sciences learning around the globe! If you are an alum and would like your impact report removed from this page, please contact Ketja at ketja@psu.edu.
The Student Parent Child Care Subsidy program is a federal CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School) and Penn State Student Initiated Fee (SIF) funded program that helps qualifying, low-income student parents sustain their educational efforts by paying a portion of their child care costs and encouraging them to select high-quality child care.
Your experience as a faculty member, student, or researcher can be greatly enriched by the research opportunities available in our college.
When Penn State alumnus George L. Settlemyer, of Port Royal, created a fund in 2005 to help students in the College of Agricultural Sciences pursue international study, he didn't realize at the time what an impact the students would have on him. By expressing their gratitude through letters, postcards and photos sent from around the world, the students benefiting from the fund inspired Settlemyer to contribute an additional $100,000 to the endowment.
International study to expand your world with programs ranging from days to entire years abroad
We offer international opportunities to expand your world. Programs are available on every corner of the planet, ranging from days to entire years abroad.
Professor and Department Head, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Learn what courses you need and should take each semester.
Learn what courses you need and should take each semester before transitioning to University Park.
The Penn State Endowed program in the Molecular Biology of Cacao is pleased to announce the 2019 Summer Internship Program for minority undergraduate college students supported by the Plant Genome Program of the National Science Foundation. The internship period is 8 weeks (June 1 to July 30, 2019). The interns will participate in plant genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology or bioinformatics research on Theobroma cacao, the chocolate tree. During the first 2 weeks of the internship period at Penn State, University Park campus in Pennsylvania, the interns will be introduced to cacao resercah. In the laboratory, the interns will join research teams and will be mentored by a postdoctoral and/or a graduate student researcher. For the following 4-week period the interns will join members of the research team to travel to Costa Rica where they will participate in a 2-week summer session at Earth University focusing on sustainable development and 2-week training at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) in Costa Rica. Prior to the trip all students will participate in an international agricultural development orientation workshop presented by International Agriculture and Development Graduate Programs (INTAD) graduate students at Penn State. Following the training in Costa Rica, the internship will conclude with 2 weeks back at Penn State, University Park campus. At the completion of the internship, each participant will be required to prepare a presentation and present at a project meeting involving all participants.
An investment in the College of Agricultural Sciences offers high yields.
2022 Research Innovator Awardee
A scientific center located in SSRI that provides data collection and proposal development services to researchers, faculty, graduate students, and administrative units at Penn State, and promotes and contributes to the science of survey research methodology.
Nestled on 16 rolling acres, the original swine facility was opened in 1958 and has provided swine education to Pennsylvanians for decades.
Associate Director for Client Relations
Homeowners using wells, springs or cisterns should consider having their water tested if they are using this type of water supply.
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email agcompsupport@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email agcompsupport@psu.edu
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662