The Schatz Center's state-of-the-art facilities provide the capacity for high-throughput DNA and RNA sequencing, genotyping, plant tissue culture, and fluorescence microscopy.
To honor a best friend and give back to his alma mater, a Penn State alumnus has established a scholarship for students in the colleges of Engineering and Agricultural Sciences.
An alumnus of Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences will establish a scholarship endowment that will help students interested in animal science or veterinary research. Donald Carbaugh, of Fort Loudon, Pa., has included a $50,000 bequest in his estate plan that will be used to create the Donald E. Carbaugh Scholarship.
Financial aid and support is available through the University, college, research assistantships, and governmental fellowships.
Season 2, Episode 11 titled Danger For hundreds of years, the white dominated American culture has raised the specter of the dangerous, violent black man. Host John Biewen tells the story of a confrontation with an African American teenager. Then he and recurring guest Chenjerai Kumanyika discuss the longstanding image - and its neglected flip side white on black violence. Listen to the pod cast or download the transcript. Enjoy the other podcasts in the series as well.
Research Team: Anna Zuckerman, Scout Cheeks, David Spiller, Khongorzul Lkhagvarsuren, Cara Thompson, Kylie Doran, Faith Gongaware, Erin Baumgartner, Julia Ramirez
The Sensory Evaluation Center in the Penn State Department of Food Science has been conducting sensory evaluation and consumer tests for University researchers and food industries since 1972.
Located within the Stone Valley Experimental Forest, this outreach facility provides hands-on experiences for families, schools, Penn State students, and more.
Penn State Extension's 4-H youth development program has received a $100,000 donation from Shell Oil Company to support the growth of 4-H science programming in 11 Pennsylvania counties in 2014. John Hines, government relations representative for Shell, presented the check to 4-H'ers during a ceremony held Jan. 6 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg.
Shock chlorination is a simple and inexpensive process that can be used to disinfect water supplies that have been contaminated as a result of these one-time contamination incidents. When done properly, shock chlorination will kill all the bacteria existing in a well.
Team Leader - Research Professor of Plant Biotechnology; Co-Director, Program of the Molecular Biology of Cacao; Strategic Research Initiatives Coordinator, College of Agricultural Sciences
Search page for SIMBA General Ledger Accounts and Cost Centers (specific to the College of Ag Sciences). Search pages include IBIS crosswalk information (i.e. the nearest equivalent IBIS object codes or IBIS budgets in SIMBA). PSU login is required to view certain pages.
Machine learning helps prepare necessary adaptations to warming conditions for farmers and supply chains.
The Penn State Agricultural Arena complex accommodates exhibitions, shows, meetings, and other large gatherings.
This University-wide institute addresses critical human and social problems at the local, national, and international levels by bringing together researchers from different disciplines.
This institute addresses critical human and social problems at the local, national, and international levels by bringing together researchers from different disciplines.
A multiuser analytical laboratory that provides common and cutting-edge analytical instrumentation in the areas of soil chemistry and biochemistry, soil fertility and nutrient cycling, soil physics, pedology, and hydropedology.
Provides opportunities for candidates interested in soil and related water resources to become a professional leader and an independent scholar.
Supporting the photovoltaic and related research from basic materials science to device and system development with world-class facilities for solar cell material synthesis, material characterization, and device fabrication and characterization. (Institutes of Energy and the Environment/Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories)
Students in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences can fulfill their language requirements with a series of introductory and intermediate-level Spanish for Agriculture language and culture courses designed to benefit both students and industry. Tailoring the courses to agriculture is more than just vocabulary words. García Prudencio, who is trained as a forester and agroecologist, teaches with the goal of giving students the ability to convey clear and simple ideas and commands at the farm or job site.
Learn about the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF), and what action you can take to stop the spread of this invasive insect that is threatening the northeastern United States, especially southeastern Pennsylvania.
Students majoring in wood products at Penn State will benefit from a new Trustee Matching Scholarship established by Joan L. and Malcolm H. Stehman. The Stehmans have committed $50,000 for the scholarship, which will assist students who have financial need. Malcolm Stehman, a 1956 Penn State graduate in wood utilization, spent his career with Westvaco, U.S. Plywood, Champion International and Georgia Pacific, retiring in 1996 as manager of eastern U.S. particleboard and medium density fiberboard manufacturing. This is the second scholarship the Stehmans have established to benefit wood products majors in the College of Agricultural Sciences, having endowed a previous award in 2001. The Stehmans, both natives of Lancaster County, now reside in Roswell, Ga.
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Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
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- Office 814-865-1229
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