Penn State’s Pasto Agricultural Museum will benefit from a $40,000 gift by the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau to the museum’s enhancement fund. The statewide farm organization’s pledge will support the expansion of the museum building at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rock Springs, nine miles southwest of State College on Route 45.
Located on the Ag Progress Days site in Rock Springs, this museum has approximately 1,300 rare and unusual farm and household items dating from 4,000 BC to the 1940s.
The museum has approximately 1,300 rare and unusual farm and household items dating from 4,000 BC to the 1940s or more than 6,000 years. Visitors can participate in interactive exhibits and demonstrations.
Explores immunology, microbiology, nutrition, biochemistry, virology, veterinary pathology, physiology, or toxicology, as related to human and animal health.
Testing 1, 2, 3
For over 25 years, Pendu Manufacturing, Inc. has been building customized production machines and complex material handling systems for most of the leading companies in the wood industry.
The Affirmative Action Office (AAO) supports Penn State’s strategic goals of advancing a diverse and inclusive community by providing expert advice and leadership to colleges and campuses, and all non-academic units, ensuring an environment free from discrimination and harassment.
Spring/Summer 2015
The Extension Foundation's AgriProspects Workforce Development Network recently awarded Penn State Extension a competitive mini-grant to support its "Success Skills in Spanish 4 Ag" project, which focuses on workforce development for Spanish-speaking tree-fruit growers and poultry farmers.
The Penn State Cancer Institute is the focal point for all cancer-related investigators and connects discovery to practices and population sciences.
Penn State Extension offers educational workshops, conferences, and webinars year-round for industry professionals and homeowners alike.
Si Usted está buscando información sobre agricultura, Penn State Extension es el puente entre la ciencia que se investiga en Pennsylvania State University y Usted como parte de la comunidad agrícola. Por lo tanto, Penn State Extension proporciona información imparcial en la que se puede confiar. Usted encontrará información sobre diferentes temas agrícolas, incluyendo de hortalizas, frutas de árboles, bayas, uvas, lácteos, seguridad alimentaria de granjas, nutrición y salud y más en el sitio web de Penn State Extension. Usted puede encontrar la información de contacto de todos los educadores en el Penn State Extension directorio.
When you are looking for agriculture information, Penn State Extension is the bridge between the science conducted at the Pennsylvania State University and you, as part of the agriculture community. Two ways to connect to Penn State Extension are through the internet at our website and through our network of Extension Educators. At the Penn State Extension website, you will find information on different agriculture topics including vegetables, tree fruit, berries, grapes, dairy, farm food safety, health and nutrition, and more. Contact information for all of us is on the Penn State Extension website directory.
Latino agricultural professionals recognize the need to stay informed about new practices and technology advancements through continuing education. However, opportunities to learn in their native language of Spanish often are limited.
With funding from USDA NIFA award number 2017-70020-27236, Penn State Extension educators from the Food Safety and Horticulture teams developed bilingual Produce Safety educational materials and delivered trainings to Latino Fresh Produce Growers and Farmworkers in Pennsylvania.
Penn State Extension is excited to announce the launch of its new Facebook page, Penn State Extension en Español, a dedicated platform to serve the Spanish-speaking community.
Jorge Manzo of McCleaf’s Orchard in Adams County inspects buds on a kiwi vine. He is one of many Spanish-speaking growers who take part in bilingual agricultural education provided by Penn State Extension.
Expert information and programs related to drinking water, water conservation, pond management, on-lot septic, non-point source pollution, water policy and watershed education.
Students in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences will benefit from two new scholarships created by Paul Wangsness, senior associate dean of the College, and his wife, Sally Wangsness, former director of the University's School of Nursing. The State College couple has given $50,000 to establish the Wangsness Family Trustee Scholarship, which will assist students who have financial need. In addition, they have committed $50,000 as part of their estate plans to fund the Paul J. and Sally I. Wangsness Scholarship in Animal Sciences, with preference given to students who have both financial need and excellent academic achievement.
This policy defines the procedures to be followed when issues involving faculty rights and responsibilities have not been successfully resolved through the normal channels of administrative responsibility and procedure.
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662
Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662