NIFA Equal Opportunity Staff
Nina Jenkins

2017 Research Innovator Awardee

Nitrates in Drinking Water

You may be concerned about nitrates in drinking water after reading articles in your local newspaper on “blue-baby syndrome” (methemoglobinemia). Or perhaps you’ve just had your water tested and you want to know what the numbers mean.

Non-Proprietary Field Trial Agreement
Non-U.S. Citizen Payment Guidelines

Guidelines for payments to non-citizens. (Link to information in GURU.)

North Carolina State University
Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development

This center, one of four federally funded regional centers coordinating rural development research in the United States and housed under the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education, provides research to help create regional prosperity.

Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD)

One of four federally-funded regional centers coordinating rural development research in the United States, the NERCRD coordinates the initiatives of the rural development faculty from the 15 land-grant institutions in the Northeast region.

Northeast Regional Sun Grant Center

This regional center is part of a national network of universities and national labs partnering to help build a biobased economy.

Northeast Regional Sun Grant Center

The Northeast Regional Center of the Sun Grant Initiative is a national network of universities and national labs partnering to help build a bio-based economy.

Northeast Woody/Warm-season Biomass Consortium

The NEWBio Consortium focuses efforts in eight areas: human systems, feedstock improvement, harvest-preprocessing-logistics, sustainability, safety and health, extension, education, and leadership-stakeholder involvement.

Novel cutting mechanism devised for automated, robotic apple-tree pruning system

The first robotic cutting mechanism — or “end-effector” — for a fully automated, computerized pruning system for modern apple orchards has been designed by a Penn State research team, an early step in the creation of a technology aimed at easing challenges facing tree-fruit growers.

Novel lighting system designed for machine vision module of agricultural robots

A novel camera system using active lighting devised by Penn State researchers may be a crucial step in developing machine vision systems that allow robotic devices to more clearly "see" the agricultural targets with which they will react.

Nuevo proyecto de Penn State para el desarrollo profesional de agricultores hispanos

La Red de Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral AgriProspects de la Fundación otorgó recientemente a Penn State Extension una mini-subvención competitiva para apoyar su proyecto "Success Skills in Spanish 4 Ag."

Off-Campus Living Options at University Park
Office 365 Learning Paths from ITLD (Penn State)

Penn State's Learning and Development team has put together various Learning Paths for Office 365.

Office of Grants and Contracts
Office of Research Protections
Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Veterans Programs

A comprehensive, direct service unit for veterans and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) benefits recipients.

Oklahoma State University
On-Campus Housing Options (varies by campus)
Online CCA CEU Application


Application and credential information to become a Certified Professional Agronomist

Online Course Development Process and Resources

Learn more about Penn State Extension online courses development process. Also access resources for course development and online instruction.

Operations Research

Enables you to attain and be identified with the tools, techniques, and methodology of operations research and the analysis of a process, problem, or operation to determine its purpose and effectiveness and to gain maximum efficiency.

Oral History Project

See and hear the stories of earliest Ag Progress Days.

Oregon State University
Organics Laboratory: High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry

A facility equipped with state-of-the-art liquid and gas chromatography instrumentation. In addition to the instrumentation laboratory, these facilities include a spacious laboratory dedicated to sample preparation. (Institutes of Energy and the Environment/Energy and Environmental Sustainability Laboratories)

Organizational Chart (PDF)

College of Agricultural Sciences organizational chart.


Student clubs, contact information, and events at University Park

Information Technologies


401 Ag Administration Building
State College, PA 16802