The 16,000 square foot Meat Lab is equipped for conducting livestock slaughter and meat cutting and processing in support of meats teaching, research and extension.
Team leader, Interim Leader of the Research Program in AgWeatherNet - Dr. Salazar is an Assistant Research Professor in the Biological Systems Engineering Department; currently she is the Interim Leader of the Research Program of the Agricultural Weather Network. She has over 15 years of experience in research, education, extension and outreach in biology, agricultural engineering, and statistics.
Bradford County dairy farmer Robert E. Macafee encouraged his children to attend college, and all three were able to graduate from Penn State. Now other students may have that same opportunity, thanks in part to the generosity of Macafee's family.
Conducting metabolomics studies on a variety of biofluids and tissue extracts from plant and animal sources. (The Huck Institutes)
Kevin Nadal, a professor of psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, has spent years researching and writing books on the effects of microaggressions. As these big structural issues play out, he says it's important to confront the small stuff. His 21 minute LISTEN tells you how.
This center, housed in the Huck Institutes, supports transformative, interdisciplinary research of the complete microbial community and its environment to provide insight into how organisms and the environment function as a system.
Studies microbiomes and provides an understanding of relationships and functions and their impacts on larger systems.
Employing optical and electron microscopy and histology instrumentation, along with expert assistance, to advance your research. (The Huck Institutes)
A gift of $50,000 from Boalsburg resident Betty Jane Mincemoyer to create the Fern and Nora Kauffman and Ruth and Lee Mincemoyer Trustee Scholarship is the latest in a legacy of family philanthropy to Penn State. The scholarship, named for Betty Jane's parents and those of her late husband, former University Professor Donald Mincemoyer, will benefit undergraduates in the College of Agricultural Sciences. Altogether, the family has made gifts totaling about $209,000 to support the Penn State programs important to them.
Emphasizes transdisciplinary training that considers the whole organism and spans understanding from fundamental mechanisms of action at the molecular/cellular level of discovery to the function of the organism in its environment.
Researchers in Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences have developed an important component of a new system that corn growers can use to adjust nitrogen fertilizer applications based on site-specific measurements of cover crops and soil organic matter.
The Morgan Family Foundation, of Los Altos, Cal., has committed $270,000 over the next two years to fund research at the Biomass Energy Center in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. The Biomass Energy Center coordinates and facilitates bioenergy research and outreach across the University, building teams to address the complete value chain of biomass energy systems. Biomass energy or "bioenergy" refers to the use of organic materials to generate electricity, produce biofuel, or create products normally made through nonorganic methods. The foundation's gift supports a project that will partner Penn State with Dartmouth College, Iowa State University, and the environmental stewardship organization, Sustainable Conservation.
The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management oversees the Bird and Mammal Collection, which houses approximately 2,045 mammals and 1,844 birds that are used for research, teaching, and outreach.
The Department of Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology's Mushroom Research Center provides unique facilities for conducting mushroom research.
The Mushroom Spawn Laboratory contains a culture collection of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus.
A $20,000 grant from the Nationwide Insurance Foundation will support a leadership-education program in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. The Pennsylvania Rural-Urban Leadership program, known as RULE, is a two-year leadership development initiative administered within the Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology and Education.
Nationwide Insurance has given Penn State a $1 million gift to create and endow the Nationwide Insurance Professorship in the College of Agricultural Sciences. Funds from the endowment will provide the professorship holder, the Nationwide Insurance Professor of Agricultural Safety and Health, with resources to expand research, teaching or outreach efforts and best safety practices.
A week-long summer camp for youth entering 2-4 grades. Learn what kinds of bugs live underwater, how plants survive in the desert, and how a forest is different from a grassland.
Offers a broad focus on neuroscience with the opportunity for concentrated research in areas such as biochemistry, cell biology, embryology, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, and virology.
A new Trustee Scholarship to assist students in Penn State's School of Forest Resources will honor the school's retiring director, Charles H. Strauss. Patricia Kocjancic, of Kane, and her family have committed $50,000 to endow the award. "Our family has been connected with the forestry industry for many years, and Chuck Strauss has earned our admiration and respect," Kocjancic said. "We decided to establish this scholarship as a way of honoring him and, at the same time, helping to make sure that students who want to make forestry their career have the means to do so."
The Geospatial Agricultural Management and Crop Assessment Framework (GAMCAF) developed by members of the Production Team is featured on the website of the American Society of Agronomy.
Students majoring in Turfgrass Science in the College of Agricultural Sciences will receive first consideration for a new Trustee Scholarship established by a pair of Penn State alumni. William F. and Diane Randolph, of Powell, Ohio, created an endowment to fund the M. Forest Randolph and William F. Randolph Trustee Scholarship, which will be awarded to a student in the college with demonstrated financial need.
Penn State students majoring in Animal Science will receive first preference for a new scholarship endowed by an alumnus of the College of Agricultural Sciences. Dr. Duane Norman, of Fulton, Md., created the H. Duane and Roslyn W. Norman Trustee Scholarship to support undergraduates in the college who have demonstrated financial need.
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In early 2020, Adrian Barragan was wrestling with how to incorporate farm trips into the new spring course on ruminant herd health management he was leading at Penn State.
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