Eugene and Carol Schurman, of Clymer, Pennsylvania, have given $50,000 to establish the Eugene and Carol Schurman Trustee Scholarship in the College of Agricultural Sciences. The scholarship will benefit students with demonstrated financial need, with first preference going to animal science majors.
This endowed research center is housed in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management and engages in conservation genetics, genomics, and biotechnology research and training focused on specific restoration and forest ecosystem sustainability.
Over a thousand video tutorials on leading software topics like Microsoft Office, Adobe Programs, audio and video editing applications, operating systems, and lots more. Use your Penn State Access ID to logon.
The Latinx Agricultural Network was created at Penn State to further improve the already ongoing efforts to reach out to the Pennsylvania Latinx agricultural community. Latinx is a gender-neutral term to refer to people with a Latin American heritage.
This webinar series provides information on a wide variety of best management practices (BMPs) to manage nutrients on farms and other landscapes.
This is an interactive floor plan for users to plan their experience at our show. Exhibitors will populate their E-booth information to provide helpful navigation and product searches upon their registration for the show.
Professor and Interim Department Head, Ecosystem Science and Management
Professor and Department Head, Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology
2018 Alex and Jessie C. Black Award for Excellence in Research
Responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies designed to enhance and support college strategic goals through the promotion of research, teaching, and extension programs.
Penn State recently dedicated the 2010 senior class gift, the Marsh Meadow Boardwalk, located at the Arboretum at Penn State on the University Park campus. The boardwalk provides a path to the H.O. Smith Botanic Gardens over the scenic Ramage Marsh Meadow, from the sidewalk along the north side of Park Avenue. "The idea of a simple, but well-designed, path providing access to the many visitors walking into the Arboretum from campus was intriguing and seeing it built has surpassed all of our expectations," said Michael Lampariello, alumnus and overall chair of the 2010 class gift committee, at the dedication. "Working on a project of this nature and see it come to fruition has been an incredible experience."
Director, College Relations and Communications
The Master Farmers Association has committed $150,000 to establish a Trustee Matching Scholarship to benefit undergraduate students in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have financial need. The scholarship will be named for the Pennsylvania Master Farmers Association. Established in 1927 by Pennsylvania Farmer magazine and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Master Farmer program is one of America's oldest and longest-running agricultural honors programs.
With the master of professional development in community and economic development, students gain the knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of communities and community organizations and inspire positive changes on a local, regional, and national level.
Advances knowledge to navigate the complexities of communities and community organizations and inspire positive change on a local, regional, and national level.
This program balances turfgrass courses with hands-on, applicable business courses that integrate theory and practice in addressing real problems encountered in turfgrass facility management. It's ideal for individuals who want to hone their turfgrass technology skills or, for those who already have a solid understanding of turf, this degree can provide the business and project management skills to round out career development.
Balances turfgrass courses with hands-on, applicable business courses that integrate theory and practice in addressing real problems encountered in turfgrass facility management.
Explores both the quantitative tools and social and leadership skills that are necessary to manage the world’s natural resources.
The Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense Option is designed to build an understanding of the theories, skills, and technologies associated with plant and animal agricultural biosecurity, food processing security, active and passive surveillance systems for infectious disease, diagnostic and sensor technologies, disease-predictive modeling capabilities, epidemiology, protection and mitigation approaches, and microbial forensic capabilities.
Provides foundational knowledge about plant, animal, and food security issues, surveillance systems for infectious diseases, diagnostic and sensor technologies, disease-predictive models, protection and mitigation approaches, and microbial forensic capabilities.
We are a network of trained volunteers dedicated to promoting the proper construction and maintenance of private water systems in Pennsylvania and throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region.
Go beyond the science of environmental resources to learn about the real-world, practical implementation of ecosystem management projects. This online degree program explores both the quantitative tools and social and leadership skills that are necessary to manage the world’s natural resources.
MRI is a University-wide institute that is a catalyst for multidisciplinary education and innovation in materials.
Penn State's MRI is a catalyst for multidisciplinary education and innovation in materials.
Comprehensive education in the fundamentals of materials science research areas including biomaterials, ceramics, composites and hybrids, computational materials science, electronic and photonic materials, materials chemistry and physics, metals, nanostructured and nanoscale materials, piezoelectrics and ferroelectrics, polymers and soft materials.
Information Technologies
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- Office 814-865-1229
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Information Technologies
401 Ag Administration BuildingState College, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-865-1229
- Fax 814-863-2662