Forms and Procedures

Access documents that are required for entrance to majors, change of campus,

Foster F. Wineland, Inc.

Foster F. Wineland Inc. a John Deere Construction and Forestry Dealership, has been a leader in new and used construction and forestry equipment for over 50 years. FFW carries brands that forestry companies rely on to handle all jobs. John Deere, Rayco, Dennis Cimaf, CSI, Waratah, Diamond Mowers, and More! Stop in and see us at one of our 4 stores in PA (Martinsburg, Ebensburg, Chambersburg, St. Marys) or the 2025 Forestry Show. Foster F Wineland, Inc. has been the leader in new and used construction and forestry equipment over the last 50 years. We cover a significant part of Pennsylvania with four dealer locations for your convenience. Our sales staff will provide you, the customer, with the best combination of equipment and price. When you make an investment with Foster F. Wineland, Inc., you are also investing in the best parts and service department around. Our entire staff will see that all of your needs are taken care of. Our motto is "Uptime, Productivity and Low Daily Operating Costs!" We want your business, so stop by and let our experts in sales, rentals, parts, and service help you with any problems you might have. Feel free to send us an email concerning how we can better serve YOU the customer.

From Harvest to Feed: Understanding Silage Management

Feeding adequate quantities of high-quality forages is the basis of profitable milk and livestock production. Forage production, harvest, storage, and feed practices have changed greatly over the past 50 years in Pennsylvania, and silage has become a staple forage. High-level management and sizeable financial outlays are necessary to efficiently produce, harvest, store, and feed silage. The information in the publication should enable you to make more effective decisions about harvesting, managing, and feeding silage.

Frost Entomological Museum

The primary objective of the museum is to accumulate and conserve a documented record of the insect fauna of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other areas.

Frost Entomological Museum

The museum houses Penn State's insect and related arthropod collections and serves a valuable educational function by making insect biodiversity accessible to the general public through displays for the casual visitor and educational visits for school groups and other interested organizations.

Fruit Disease Fact Sheets

Symptom, life cycle and management information for common fruit diseases.

Fruit Production for the Home Gardener

Fruit Production for the Home Gardener has been developed as a resource for people who wish to produce fruit on a small scale (one acre or less) and who are not legally licensed to use pesticides.

Fruit Production for the Home Gardener

Grow your own fruit on a small scale.

Fruit Times

Individuals may join our distribution list by visiting the Penn State Extension tree fruit and small fruit sign-up page and entering your email.

Fund-Raising Campaign Will Enhance Pasto Agricultural Museum

Penn State's Pasto Agricultural Museum has for 27 years aimed to help the public understand and appreciate the way farming life used to be. However, the museum's contents have outgrown its space -- currently, only about 35 percent of its collection can be displayed at any given time. So that the museum can better fulfill its mission, the College of Agricultural Sciences has launched the $500,000 Pasto Agricultural Museum Enhancement Campaign. The museum hopes to open the newly remodeled and expanded facility during Ag Progress Days in August 2008.

Gamma Sigma Delta

Gamma Sigma Delta is an honor society for agriculture and agricultural sciences.

Gary W. Felton

Professor and Department Head, Entomology

Gender in Agricultural Programs: Filling the GAP

This self-paced course teaches you how to identify the role of gender in communities and use this awareness to better integrate women and marginalized populations when working with groups in local production enterprises. This course establishes a theoretical foundation for the study of gender and provides tools to apply and integrate gender perspectives into agricultural work with a goal of bringing growth, productivity, and policy benefits to communities. Through a combination of educational videos, short readings, and knowledge check questions, you will learn about development theory, gender, empowerment, equality, equity, and justice. With this theoretical framework, you will examine masculinity and femininity in agriculture and use this knowledge to help bring growth and productivity into agricultural programming and policies.

Gender, Food and COVID-19: Global Stories of Harm and Hope (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)
Gender, household food security, and dietary diversity in western Honduras
Gender, women and agriculture in Agriculture and Human Values
Gendered differences in decision-making and participation in value chains: lessons from the highlands of Peru
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

Prohibits discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health insurance and employment.

Genomics Core Facility

Employing next-generation sequencing and traditional genomics instruments and techniques to investigate a variety of biological phenomena. (The Huck Institutes)

Gift from ice cream company supports pollinator research

Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream (Haagen Dazs) recently pledged $50,000 to create the Pollinator Research Endowment in the College of Agricultural Sciences. This endowment will support the Department of Entomology’s programs related to honey bee and native pollinator research.

Gift of $100K to support collaboration between Penn State and Ukraine

Penn State programs that foster collaboration between the College of Agricultural Sciences and agricultural universities in Ukraine will get a boost as the result of a gift from a local family. George and Nina Woskob, of State College, Pennsylvania, have pledged $100,000 to support the Woskob Ukraine New Century Fund, an endowment established by George Woskob's parents, real estate developers Helen and Alex Woskob.

Gifts Fron Pasto Ag Museum Namesake Top $750,000

A recent gift of $177,000 to Penn State's Pasto Agricultural Museum from museum namesake Jerome "Jerry" Pasto of State College has brought his philanthropy to the museum to approximately $740,000, and his total giving to the University to nearly $750,000. Pasto designated his newest gift to the museum's endowment, which provides program support for operations. Pasto, associate dean emeritus and professor emeritus of agricultural economics in the College of Agricultural Sciences, was volunteer curator of the Pasto Agricultural Museum from 1978 to 1998.

Giovani Bellicanta

2017 Research Innovator Awardee

GL Transactions Report - Credit Card Income - Zoom Demo 8-17-2020

Zoom recording to document and review a process for reconciling credit card income. This demo covers (1) Filtering on FY, Posting Period, Document Type (Y6) using the Filters at the Top; (2) Column Filtering by including and excluding of Document Header Text, GL Account; (3) Grouping of data by column for a summary view (4) Removing Columns from your report (5) Saving a report for re-use including adding it to your Home Screen as its own tile.

Global Penn State: Semester Abroad Search Page
GlobalProtect VPN
Golf Course Turf Management Professional Certificate

Gain the agronomic knowledge and business skills necessary to manage a top golf course around the world in just 18 months.

Graduate Assistant Stipend Tables 2017/2018

Graduate Assistant Stipend tables with rates for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 are available in GURU.

Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense

The agricultural biosecurity and food defense course work can be completed in just over a year and demonstrates to your employer your commitment to a deeper understanding of the vulnerabilities and protection of our food system. The 12 credits earned with the graduate certificate may be applied to the Master of Professional Studies in Homeland Security Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense option.

Graduate Certificate in Agricultural Biosecurity and Food Defense

Provides a broad training in the field of agricultural biosecurity with courses that cover animal and plant health and food defense aspects of agricultural biosecurity.

Information Technologies


401 Ag Administration Building
State College, PA 16802