Office of Grants and Contracts

The Office of Grants and Contracts (OGC) may be contacted by phone, email or in person. If you'd like to have uninterrupted time with your designated research administrator, please schedule an appointment.

The OGC provides a wide range of pre-award consultative services including, but not limited to proposal preparation and submission, subcontracting advice, MTA processing. On the post-award side, we set up grant accounts and communicate with faculty and sponsors on any actions related to the grants/contracts and their financial management.

Our goal is to provide Expert, Timely and Responsive service to the faculty and staff of Penn State that are seeking and/or managing grants or other sponsored programs.

College of Agricultural Sciences OGC Grant Proposal Submission and Deadline Process

If you are planning to submit a proposal for external funding, please refer to policy OGC-102 Internal Notice of Intent and complete the Notice of Intent. Grant preparation will be completed in concert with your OGC research administrator and in accordance with OGC-103 Grant Proposal Documents Deadlines. The policies and timelines have been created so that we may meet Penn State standards and sponsor deadlines in a timely manner and submit a competitive and compliant grant proposal.

Office of Grants and Contracts


119 Ag Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802