Paige Rohrbach
- Hometown: Oley Valley, PA
- Major: Agricultural and Extension Education
- Class of: 2024
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Question #1: What inspired you to pursue the major you are in?
I was an active member of my FFA chapter during high school and I saw the impact that my agriculture education teachers had on the students. It was during this time that I decided I wanted to pursue the Agricultural and Extension Education major in hopes of becoming an inspirational teacher like the one I had. Another thing that I like about the major is that it covers a lot of topics within agriculture. I really enjoy animals, plants, food and the environment, so this major allows me to teach and learn in all these different fields within agriculture.
Question #2: What has been the best part of your time in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences?
The best part about my time in the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences is all the connections I have made and the opportunities that I have had. I have had the opportunity to travel to Des Moines, Iowa to take part in the World Food Prize Conference as well as teach in a high school for a week in Glenwood, Minnesota. I have also been able to make many connections within the University as well as with other teachers and educators within my field to help me when I am beginning in my profession. The Agricultural and Extension Education major truly prepares you for a career in education and gives you many opportunities to grow.
Question #3: What do you wish you would have known as a new student at Penn State?
Something that I wish that I would have known as a new student at Penn State is to remember to take advantage of every opportunity but choose these opportunities carefully. There are so many things to get involved in here at Penn State, but there is no way that you can do them all. Think about the courses you are taking and the ones that you plan to take, and then schedule some other activities from there. There are many chances to take trips and other fun things, but I think that these should be carefully scheduled, because you do not want to overload yourself during your first year.