A hands-on science and management education in sustainable forestry. Forest Ecosystem Management grads take leadership roles in private companies, nonprofits, and government agencies.

Interest Areas
  • Plant
  • Science
  • Policy and Regulatory Affairs
  • Environment, Sustainability, Nature

Focus your degree with an option in Forest BiologyForest Management, Community and Urban Forest Management or Watershed Management

  • Land management agencies
  • State forests and parks
  • Conservation districts
  • Forest products companies
  • Environmental consulting firms
  • Tree care industry
  • Municipal watersheds
Student Clubs and Organizations
  • Society of American Foresters (SAF)
  • Penn State Fly Fishing Club
  • Penn State Spur Collectors
  • Penn State Woodsmen Team
  • Student Farm
  • The Wildlife Society (TWS)
Facilities, Centers, and Institutes

Research facilities include forestry labs dedicated to silviculture, ecology, soils, economics and forest management as well as wood products labs tied to wood chemistry, wood physics, business, marketing, operations research, and wood products evaluations.

Target Major/Degree https://agsci.psu.edu/academics/undergraduate/majors/forest-ecosystem-management