Information on the process, structure, and timeline for development of the college's 2014-2019 strategic plan.
Submit Your Comments
Comments on the overall strategic planning process should be emailed to the Dean.
- Steering Committee - will be made up of the Deans group
- Unit Leadership Team - will be made up of the department heads and directors of strategic units
- Deans and leadership team are expected to involve and inform faculty, educators, and staff within their units throughout the process.
- Extension Program Leaders should be engaged by all academic departments relevant to their content area
- Input will be formally solicited from college faculty, educators and staff as well as external stakeholders
Additional subcommittees will be created as needed
Comments on the strategic planning goals should be emailed to your department head.
For Each Goal
We will create subcommittees for each goal from the 2008/2013 college strategic plan:
Goal A : Enhance Student Success and Optimize Enrollment
- Chair: Tracy Hoover
- Members: Terry Etherton, Mike Messina, Bob Roberts, Ann Tickamyer
Goal B : Empowering the Engines of Discovery and Application
- Chair: Gary Thompson
- Members: Gary Felton, Fred Gildow, Paul Heinemann, Mary Kennett, Bob Roberts, Ann Tickamyer
Goal C : Create Dynamic, Customer/Stakeholder Focused Educational Products, Services, and Impacts
- Chair: Dennis Calvin
- Members: Terry Etherton, Rich Marini, Bill Kleiner, Paul Heinemann
Goal D :Lead and Manage the College as a System
- Chair: Barb Christ
- Members: TBA
Committee members are expected to work with faculty/Educators in their unit on the assigned goal. The subcommittees for each goal will:
- Review performance indicators, progress, and impacts to date under that goal
- Benchmarking across some exemplar institutions
- Update the goals as appropriate with information from the Ag Futures goals and roadmap
- Update the goals to reflect accomplishments and additional emerging areas that need attention
- Draft a report for the steering committee that will go through a college review process to ensure feedback and input from internal and external stakeholders
For Recommendations Regarding University Priorities
Two subcommittees will be created to make recommendations regarding University strategic priorities:
Diversity Subcommittee will:
- Be chaired by Patreese Ingram and members will include the Diversity Coordinating Council and will:
- Define diversity as appropriate for the college
- Determine if the diversity component of the plan should be integrated throughout the plan or be a stand-alone priority
- Define college priorities around diversity
Sustainability Subcommittee will:
- Address sustainability as an integrated priority throughout the plan rather than a stand-alone priority
- Define accomplishments and priorities in terms of scholarship - Chaired by Judd Michael
- Define accomplishments and priorities in terms of operational initiatives - Chaired by Brad Smith
Review and update college priority initiatives
Review and update the college priority initiatives - the areas that we will be recognized as national leaders - from the 2008/2013 college strategic plan and the AG Futures process for review by the steering committee that will go through a college review process to ensure feedback and input from internal and external stakeholders
- Review past priority initiatives and document accomplishments and impacts across all three mission areas ̶ teaching, research, and Extension ̶ over the past 5 years and document priorities on future directions/ emerging issues in those areas
- Energy ̶- Led by Ali Demirci, Armen Kemanian, and Tom Richard
- Entrepreneurship ̶ Led by Dan Azzara and Mark Gagnon
- Food, diet and health ̶ Led by Josh Lambert and Margareta Cantorna
- Pest prediction and response ̶ Led by Seogchan Kang and Dave Mortensen
- Water Quality and Quantity ̶ Led by Beth Boyer and Jim Shortle
- Create a subcommittee to draft a straw plan of updates/additions to the college's strategic priority initiatives as a starting point for conversation and input
- Chair: Gary Thompson
- Members: Gary Felton, Fred Gildow, Paul Heinemann, Mary Kennett, Bob Roberts, Ann Tickamyer
Advance the model of a "systems approach"
Create an implementation plan that integrates cross cutting issues/influences with the strategic priority initiatives to promote collaboration, advancement, and academic excellence in these areas within the college
- The Steering Committee will lead this effort and will:
- Separate this effort into two major areas: strategic and operational
- Define significant cross-cutting issues/influences impacting college initiatives and priorities
- Define expectations of strategic priority initiative teams, faculty and Educators in addressing cross cutting issues/influences
- Provide leadership development to encourage leadership in key strategic priority initiative areas
- Evaluate structural operational models to advance and promote strategic priority initiatives, including evaluation of the role of the Ag Resource Centers
- Early November - Department Visioning reports submitted
- Mid-November - Report out by Goal Subcommittees
- December 6 - Leadership Retreat
- Early February - Unit strategic plans submitted
- April 1 - College plan submitted