2020 Scholarship and Award Virtual Banquet


We are excited that you could join us as we recognize and thank all the generous donors who have made the College of Agricultural Sciences and its students a philanthropic priority. While we wish we could all be together in person, we hope you will enjoy this presentation and the opportunity to hear from some outstanding students. Thank you for all you do for the College of Agricultural Sciences!


Dean Rick Roush 
and the College of Ag Sciences Development Team

2020 Scholarships and Awards Virtual Banquet

Office of Development and Alumni Relations


240 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802

Jen Beidel

Flinchbaugh Family Trustee Scholarship

Gillian Warner

Community, Environment, and Development

Thank you! 

We hope you enjoyed this special presentation and truly understand the gift you have given to the students you heard from and the more than 850 others who have benefited from your generosity.

If you’ve been inspired to continue making a positive impact on our students, consider contributing to the college’s General Scholarship Fund. If you have already created a scholarship, making additional gifts to bolster its value is another way you can help more students. The college’s Development Team is here to help you create a lasting legacy of which you can be proud.