Formerly known as the Landisville Experiment Station, the Southeast Agricultural Research & Extension Center (SEAREC) is located in Lancaster County, in the heart of the most intensive farming area in Pennsylvania.

Southeastern and southcentral Pennsylvania has a different climate than the rest of the state (a longer growing season, warmer average temperatures and higher relative humidity). Because of this, the work done at SEAREC is applicable to most of the Mid-Atlantic states. Research on the 155 acres at the Center involves the Departments of Plant Sciences, Entomology and Plant Pathology plus the USDA and some county extension educators. In addition to providing specific conditions for research, the facility increases opportunities for growers, consumers, and students to observe experiments and to consult with scientists.


Over 50 projects a year include variety testing of corn, soybean, small grain, forages, annual and perennial flowers, flowering crabapples, strawberries, tomatoes, pumpkin and other horticultural crops. Other research focuses on pest control (disease, insect and weeds), cover crops, inoculants, fertility and environmental management.


Every growing season, SEAREC is host to dozens of field days, workshops, public events, tours and other educational opportunities.


Produce generated by the research that takes place at SEAREC is shared with Pennsylvania families in need through a partnership with the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank , Hempfield Area Food Pantry , and the Lancaster Food Hub. Together we are working toward the goal of ending hunger in Pennsylvania.

Visting SEAREC

The public areas of the research center are open from June through September, dawn to dusk.  These areas include the Penn State Flower Trials, Lancaster County Master Gardener Idea Gardens, and the Bees, Bugs & Blooms study. No prior notification is necessary for self-guided tours, simply follow the signs to park.  Professionally guided garden tours will be provided at our 2025 Open House Events: June 17 (9am-12pm), July 17 (6pm-8pm), August 16 (9am-12pm), September 16 (9am-12pm).

Please note: terrain in these areas is uneven, sloped, and may not be suitable for wheelchairs and walkers.  While bench seating is located throughout the public areas, most locations are full sun.