The Young Grower Alliance (YGA) met early on May 12, 2022 at Bloomfield Nursery to be led in a tour by nursery owners, Allen and Ellen Stauffer.

Photo Credit: Don Seifrit

Photo Credit: Don Seifrit

The couple grow over 500 varieties of trees and shrubs on the property. They were originally dairy farmers before switching to nursery production. Allen handles most of the nursery work, including choosing stock, while Ellen manages the storefront. The nursery specializes in fully grown (or near fully grown) stock, with some of the trees and shrubs being grown for five years before being sold to the public. Allen drove the group around the immaculately maintained property looking at the various shrubs and trees, while discussing how he chooses what to grow.

YGA-tour-bloomfield.jpgPhoto Credits: Ryan Stricker

After the morning tour, the group traveled south from Bloomfield Nursery to Boyer Orchards. Cousins Wes, Sam and Ben Boyer led the YGA around their property in vans. The orchard stretches almost 4 miles from end to end. The YGA tour members were extremely grateful to not have to walk the length of the orchard! We discussed high density orchard design and management, as well as multi-generation business management.

A huge "thank you" to both tour hosts. The YGA sincerely hopes that you will join us at the annual YGA Luncheon at the Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention in 2023.

The Young Grower Alliance is a group of fruit growers founded to encourage networking and problem-solving between growers. YGA members are looking to connect with others working in a similar profession and living a similar lifestyle. Activities include field trips, orchard tours, workshops, luncheons with guest speakers, and much more - limited by our own creativity! The coalition currently includes over 400 growers from the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond. New members are always welcome. If you are interested in joining the Young Grower Alliance, or would like to know more, please visit Young Grower Alliance — Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences ( or contact our coordinator, Don Seifrit, at

by Don Seifrit, Penn State Extension

Contact us

Donald Seifrit
  • Extension Educator, Tree Fruit