Dr. Tim Artlip explains tissue culture propagation to the group in the tissue culture lab.
The group learns about new techniques in apple breeding from Dr. Jay Norelli, surrounded by some of this wild Malus species in the greenhouse.
In Dr. Chris Dardick’s tree architecture block, stone fruit exhibit a variety of growth habits, including a peach tree that was growing only two ft high.
A young grower looks over Dr. Fumi Takeda’s rotatable cross-arm blackberry trellis system. This system protects the berries from the cold during the winter, and allows for the fruit to grow on one side of the trellis.
Brent Short explains a new type of trap being used to monitor for the brown marmorated stink bug. With these traps, growers can better determine when stink bugs are present in their orchard, allowing growers to potentially reduce the number of times they treat a block.
Tree Fruit Extension Educator, Adams County
YGA Co-chairperson
YGA Co-Chairperson
YGA members in the field visiting Bennett Orchards.