Penn State Extension session conducted during the 2020 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention.
Attracting the Best Employees to Pennsylvania Horticultural Enterprises
PDF document, 402.0 KB
Scott Sheely, D.Ed, CWDP | Interim Executive Director, PA Commission for Agricultural Education Excellence
Workplace Preparedness for Future Challenges and Opportunities
PDF document, 419.6 KB
Brook Duer, Staff Attorney, Center for Agricultural and Shale Law, Penn State Law
Health Services for Agricultural Employees
PDF document, 416.1 KB
Resources shared by Grant Meckley PA-C, Keystone Agricultural Worker Program
The Role of Foreign-Born Ag Employees
PDF document, 408.8 KB
"Fast Facts on the Role of Foreign-Born Workers in the Hired Farmworker Labor Force," a Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture resource for ag producers