PAES Establishes Scholarship Endowment
In 2014, the PAES Board looked to find options for ensuring the future of scholarships to those interested in the crops and soil sciences profession. The answer came in the form of a Penn State University Trustee Scholarship Endowment. With the support of the University, PAES committed to developing a scholarship program that would continue for years to come in the name of the supporters and members of the Pennsylvania Agronomic Education Society.
PAES has committed to raising $50,000 in five years to establish the PA Agronomic Education Society Trustee Scholarship, which when fully funded will provide three $2500 scholarships within the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences.
Show Your Support
The Society appreciates your support for this important endeavor. You can show your commitment to the future of Pennsylvania's agronomic workforce by making a tax deductible contribution to the PAES Endowment Fund, administered by the Centre Foundation.
- Online Contribution: Can be made via credit card by visiting our online PAES Endowment contribution page. Click on the "Donate Now" button for easy-to-complete the online donation form. Contributions may be made as a one-time or monthly payments.
- Via Check: Check donations should be made payable to “Centre Foundation" with “PA Agro Fund" included in the memo. Please mail checks with contact information and any special acknowledgement information (i.e. Anonymous; In Memory/Honor of) to: Centre Foundation, 1377 Ridge Master Drive, State College, PA 16803
- Tax Deductible Contribution: Receipt of your tax deductible contribution will be acknowledged and provided by the Centre Foundation.
- Corporate Matching: Does your employer offer corporate matching? Contact the Centre Foundation at 814-237-6229 to discuss how you can double your contribution with a corporate match.
For more information about this program, please contact Jennifer Reed-Harry at or 717-651-5920.