The Pennsylvania and International Exams are going back to window testing. To register, you must sign up within the following dates: International, Local Board, and Specialty Exams are offered quarterly (four times a year). You can take the International and Local exams in one window or you can split them between different windows. Exam Registration is only available during the dates listed above, and only for the next Available Exam Date. For example, if you want to take your exam in the July 24th to August 5th exam period, you would register in the June 19th to July 15th period.
2024 Exam Registration Dates
Register and pay for the exam(s) of your choice.
December 13, 2023 to January 12, 2024
February 21st to March 18th
June 19th to July 15th
2024 Available Exam Dates
Exams will be conducted during this time frame.
January 24th to February 5th
March 27th to April 8th
July 24th to August 5th
- International exam: $265
- Pennsylvania exam: $145
Steps to Take After You Pass the Exams
Once you have passed both the International and Pennsylvania Exams, you have six months* to complete the requirements of the Certification Credentials.
The requirements are:
- Verification of Credentials
- Review and Acceptance of Code of Ethics
- Completion of Professional Experience Form
- Completion of CCA Reference Form by an Employer
- Completion of CCA Reference Form by a Client
- Summary of College/Short Course Work
These credential forms are available online. Included in this document are full instructions of how to complete each component of the credentials. Once completed, credentials must be returned to the CCA Program Office at 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711-5801. Review will then take place by the Pennsylvania CCA Board and certification will be granted or denied.
*If you are a student and have not completed the necessary years of experience, your exam scores will remain active until the experience has been achieved. Students are encouraged to complete and submit as much of the credentials packet as possible within six months of passing the exams. Once the required years of experience is gained credentials are to be resubmitted with this section completed.
Exam Cost Share Program for College Students
The Pennsylvania Certified Crop Advisers (CCA) Program Board is pleased to announce the development of a cost share program for college students interested in pursuing CCA certification. The program will support 50 percent of all exam fees for up to four students per year who take the International and Pennsylvania CCA exams.
- Be a student at a Pennsylvania University or College who has completed agronomy coursework.
- Penn State students must have successfully completed AGRO 425.
- Students from other schools must submit a summary of coursework that highlights involvement in the school's agronomy program.
- Submit, in writing, a request to be considered for the cost share program. Request must explain the applicant's interest in the CCA program.
- Register for and complete both the International and Pennsylvania CCA exams. Exam registration information may be found on the Certified Crop Adviser Web site.
- Students must pay for the exam costs in full at time of registration. Following the exams, students need to provide the Pennsylvania CCA Office with proof that tests were taken. Reimbursement will be paid upon receipt of requested documentation.
- Students may only request cost share assistance once. Cost share will not be provided to students retaking the exam.
For more information or to submit a request, contact:
Jennifer Reed-HarryPennsylvania Certified Crop Adviser Program
c/o PennAg Industries Association
Northwood Office Center
2215 Forest Hills Drive — Suite 39
Harrisburg, PA 17112-1099
Phone: 717-651-5920
Fax: 717-651-5926