Waste Not, Want Not

Food waste affects more than Americans' wallets; it also has implications for their health and the environment.

Solving the Puzzle

Scientists in the college are researching "climate-smart" practices to help position farmers for success in a changing climate.

The Last Word: Building Solutions

Tackling our most pressing problems requires focusing on complex multisystem interactions.

So Long Spotted Lanternfly

Researchers devise creative ways to defeat a destructive pest.

Past Time For Change

In the wake of a series of racial hate crimes in the United States, Penn State and the College of Agricultural Sciences are elevating their commitment to providing an environment where everyone feels welcome and supported.

Course Change

Instructors in the college respond to the pandemic with new and improved ways of engaging with students.

Snap Shot: Snow Day

Nestled on 16 rolling acres, the original swine facility was opened in 1958 and has provided swine education to Pennsylvanians for decades.

The Interview: Adele Turzillo

Adele Turzillo, most recently the vice president for animal agriculture systems at the World Wildlife Fund and before that the division director for animal systems at the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture, was named head of the Department of Animal Science in November.

"Farm-Tuning" Yields Best Results

Cover crop mixtures must be "farm-tuned" to provide maximum ecosystem services.

No Bark No Bite

Researchers find contents of mulch bags don't match claims.

A Promising New Filter

Biochar from ag waste products can adsorb contaminants in wastewater.

Boosting Frost Resistance

Flavonoid compounds produced by the roots of some sorghum plants positively affect soil microorganisms, which may help the crop to be more hardy, according to researchers who suggest the discovery is an early step in developing a frost-resistant line of the valuable crop for North American farmers.

Tuberculosis by Proxy

Tuberculosis spread from animals to humans is greater than previously thought.

The Secret Lives of Insects
On the Rise

Exposure of dairy cows to heavy metals through drinking water worsens the antibiotic-resistant-pathogen crisis.

An Assault on the Senses

Investigating Smell and Taste Loss from COVID-19

Invader Advantage

Invasive shrubs in Northeast forests grow leaves earlier and keep them longer.

Farming in the City

Creating thriving agricultural systems in urbanizing landscapes

Golden Ticket

Unwrapping what consumers desire in their chocolate products.

Hidden Fungus

Searching for the source of bitter rot disease

Launching STEM Careers

The Millennium Scholars Program supports high-achieving students to realize their dreams of a Penn State education and beyond.

Virtual Connection

Ag Alumni Society finds creative ways to stay connected and involve even more alumni than ever before.

A Message from Your Alumni Society President

Lisa Kirby '10 Agricultural Business Management

The Last Word: Open for Discussion

With the nation in turmoil, students find a place to process and learn.

Chain Reaction

Researchers in the college analyze food supply chain disruptions from COVID-19 with a goal of improving their resilience against future disruptions.

Repurposing Proven Remedies

Researchers in the college are investigating already-approved therapeutics and over-the-counter supplements for the treatment of COVID-19.

Pandemic Pivot

Penn State Extension goes virtual to assist businesses, citizens, and communities in wake of COVID-19.

Snap Shot: Summer Singers

The common yellowthroat is a tiny but loud bird that loves unruly vegetation, particularly in thick, marshy areas.

The Interview: Andra Johnson

The new associate director of Penn State Extension returns to his alma mater to help ensure a bright future for Pennsylvania's agricultural communities.

Contaminant Cocktail

Stream flow rate and season greatly influence emerging organic contaminant levels.